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Basic Data Processing and Visualization 

  • Offered byCoursera

Basic Data Processing and Visualization


11 hours

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Basic Data Processing and Visualization

  • This Course Plus the Full Specialization.
  • Shareable Certificates.
  • Graded Programming Assignments.
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Basic Data Processing and Visualization
Course details

More about this course
  • This is the first course in the four-course specialization Python Data Products for Predictive Analytics, introducing the basics of reading and manipulating datasets in Python. In this course, you will learn what a data product is and go through several Python libraries to perform data retrieval, processing, and visualization.
  • This course will introduce you to the field of data science and prepare you for the next three courses in the Specialization: Design Thinking and Predictive Analytics for Data Products, Meaningful Predictive Modeling, and Deploying Machine Learning Models. At each step in the specialization, you will gain hands-on experience in data manipulation and building your skills, eventually culminating in a capstone project encompassing all the concepts taught in the specialization.
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Basic Data Processing and Visualization

Week 1: Introduction to Data Products

What is a Data Product?

Data Product Examples in Enterprise

Developing a Data Product Strategy

Python and Jupyter Basics

Python Recap

Livecoding: Getting Started With Jupyter


Course Materials

Set Up Your System

Our Case Study: Recommender Systems

(Optional) Python: How to Run

(Optional) Python: Additional Resources and Recommended Readings

Review: Data Products

Review: Python and Jupyter

Week 2: Reading Data in Python

CSV & JSON Files

Reading CSV & JSON Files

Processing Structured Data in Python

Live-Coding: JSON

Extracting Simple Statistics From Datasets

Simple Statistics: Live-Coding

Review: CSV and JSON Files

Review: Simple Statistics

Python: Reading Data and Simple Statistics

Week 3: Data Processing in Python

Data Filtering and Cleaning

Processing Text and Strings in Python

Processing Times and Dates in Python

Livecoding: Time and Date Data

Review: Data Filtering and Cleaning

Review: Processing Different Data Types

Data Processing in Python

Week 4: Python Libraries and Toolkits

Matrix Processing and Numpy

Introduction to Data Visualization

Introduction to Matplotlib

Live-coding: MatPlotLib

urllib and BeautifulSoup

Review: NumPy

Review: MatPlotLib

Review: urllib and BeautifulSoup

Python Libraries and Toolkits

Final Project

Course Summary

Project Description

Where to Find Datasets

Basic Data Processing and Visualization
Admission Process

    Important Dates

    May 25, 2024
    Course Commencement Date

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