Big Data and Hadoop Developer
- Offered byOdinSchool
Big Data and Hadoop Developer at OdinSchool Overview
Big Data and Hadoop Developer
at OdinSchool
Total fee | ₹31,624 |
Mode of learning | Online |
Difficulty level | Intermediate |
Credential | Certificate |
Big Data and Hadoop Developer at OdinSchool Highlights
Big Data and Hadoop Developer
at OdinSchool
- Virtual Machine, Hands-on project, Quizzes
- 30 PMI PDU credentials
Big Data and Hadoop Developer at OdinSchool Course details
Big Data and Hadoop Developer
at OdinSchool
Who should do this course?
- Analytics professionals
- Data management professionals
- Project managers
- Aspiring data scientists
What are the course deliverables?
- 1-year course access
- Audio video lectures
- Additional material
- Quizzes
- Virtual Machine
- Hands-on project
- Course Completion certificate
- GreyCampus Big Data and Hadoop Certification
- 30 PMI PDU credentials
More about this course
- This course has been designed to impart in-depth knowledge of Big data and Hadoop. It is packed with real-life scenarios and case studies. It begins with an overview of the Big Data Eco System, the requirement for Big Data and its applications. Then it go ahead with Map-reduce framework, Installations, technologies like HBase, Oozie, Pig, Hive and Flume. The course also includes quizzes, multiple assignments and a project. Besides this, it helps you understand various sorts of avro schema, components of Hadoop and map-reduce framework. You will also gain expertise sqoop after completion of course.
Big Data and Hadoop Developer at OdinSchool Curriculum
Big Data and Hadoop Developer
at OdinSchool
Introduction to Big Data and Hadoop
Getting started with Hadoop
Architecture of Hadoop - HDFS and MapReduce
Configuring Hadoop Environment on Ubuntu
Different modes of installation - Pseudo Distributed Mode, Standalone mode, Fully Distributed Mode
MapReduce Framework
Advanced MapReduce
Hadoop Ecosystem
Installing and Configuring Pig
Pig Vs SQL
Installing and Configuring HBase
Hive Query Language
Installing and Configuring HBase
HBase Region Servers
Distributed Applications and Challenges
NoSQL movement - Introduction to MongoDB
Basics of Hadoop Administration
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Big Data and Hadoop Developer
at OdinSchool
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