Certificate in Financial Trading
- Offered byEDUCBA
Certificate in Financial Trading at EDUCBA Overview
Certificate in Financial Trading
Mode of learning | Online |
Difficulty level | Intermediate |
Credential | Certificate |
Certificate in Financial Trading at EDUCBA Highlights
Certificate in Financial Trading
- Get Practical hands-on trading strategies with Technical Analysis, Futures, Vanilla Options & more
- Earn a Certificate in Forex Trading on successful completion
- Starting Date of the next course: 02 Jan 2020
Certificate in Financial Trading at EDUCBA Course details
Certificate in Financial Trading
Skills you will learn
Who should do this course?
- Students leaving University and are seeking employment opportunities within finance.
- People employed in finance or management who need work-based skills to develop their career.
- People who are trading from home intending to acquire the skills required to effectively manage their own money.
- Existing part time traders who have not had any form of financial education but wish to develop their skills.
- People who are seeking a new career in finance but lack the basic understanding of how the industry works.
What are the course deliverables?
- Understand the principles and mindset of Financial Trading
- Trade and risk manageeffectively using the proprietary and proven trading system pioneered by our specialist faculty, Adrian Ong
More about this course
- Learn about the popular and liquidly traded Financial Markets such as Equity, FX, Commodities and Fixed Income
- Understand how market fundamentals impact prices in each of the mainstream asset class markets, identify opportunities and formulate trade strategies
- Understand the features mechanics of liquidly traded financial instruments such as Futures and Vanilla Options and how to employ them to monetise trade / investment strategies
Certificate in Financial Trading at EDUCBA Curriculum
Certificate in Financial Trading
Introduction to Trading Platforms
Introduction to Trading the Financial Markets using Technical Analysis
Trading the Financial Markets using Ichimoku
Fundamentals of Financial Markets: FX and Commodities
Futures Trading
Risk Management with Vanilla Options
Certificate in Financial Trading at EDUCBA Entry Requirements
Certificate in Financial Trading
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Certificate in Financial Trading
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