Cloudera Certified Professional: CCP Data Engineer
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- Offered byCloudera
Cloudera Certified Professional: CCP Data Engineer at Cloudera Overview
Cloudera Certified Professional: CCP Data Engineer
at Cloudera
Duration | 4 hours |
Mode of learning | Online |
Credential | Certificate |
Cloudera Certified Professional: CCP Data Engineer at Cloudera Course details
Cloudera Certified Professional: CCP Data Engineer
at Cloudera
More about this course
- Import and export data between an external RDBMS and their cluster, including the ability to import specific subsets, change the delimiter and file format of imported data during ingest, and alter the data access pattern or privileges
- Ingest real-time and near-real time (NRT) streaming data into HDFS, including the ability to distribute to multiple data sources and convert data on ingest from one format to another
- Load data into and out of HDFS using the Hadoop File System (FS) commands
Cloudera Certified Professional: CCP Data Engineer at Cloudera Curriculum
Cloudera Certified Professional: CCP Data Engineer
at Cloudera
Convert data from one file format to another
Write your data with compression
Convert data from one set of values to another (e.g., Lat/Long to Postal Address using an external library)
Change the data format of values in a data set
Purge bad records from a data set, e.g., null values
Deduplication and merge data
Denormalize data from multiple disparate data sets
Evolve an Avro or Parquet schema
Partition an existing data set according to one or more partition keys
Tune data for optimal query performance
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Cloudera Certified Professional: CCP Data Engineer
at Cloudera
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