CUDA Advanced Libraries
- Offered byCoursera
CUDA Advanced Libraries at Coursera Overview
Duration | 25 hours |
Start from | Start Now |
Total fee | Free |
Mode of learning | Online |
Official Website | Explore Free Course |
Credential | Certificate |
CUDA Advanced Libraries at Coursera Highlights
- Earn a Certificate upon completion
CUDA Advanced Libraries at Coursera Course details
- This course will complete the GPU specialization, focusing on the leading libraries distributed as part of the CUDA Toolkit
- Students will learn how to use CuFFT, and linear algebra libraries to perform complex mathematical computations
- The Thrust library's capabilities in representing common data structures and associated algorithms will be introduced
- Using cuDNN and cuTensor they will be able to develop machine learning applications that help with object detection, human language translation and image classification
CUDA Advanced Libraries at Coursera Curriculum
Course Overview
GPU Programming Specialization Video
Course Expectations Video
Coursera Lab and Assignment Overview
GPU Specialization Capstone Project Video
cuFFT Performance and Features Video
cuFFT Syntax Video
cuFFT Data Types Video
cuFFT Image/Video Processing Video
cuFFT Audio/Signals Processing Video
cuFFT Lab and Assignment Overview Video
cuFFT Reading Material
CUDA Linear Algebra
Introduction to Linear Algebra Video
cuBLAS Syntax Video
cuSOLVER Syntax Video
cuSPARSE Syntax Video
nvBLAS Syntax Video
CUDA Linear Algebra Lab and Assignment Overview Video
Linear Algebra Reading Material
The CUDA Thrust Library
Thrust Vector Syntax Video
Thrust Vector Iterator Video
Functional Programming Video
Thrust Data Transformation Video
Thrust Data Reduction Video
Thrust Data Reorder and Sorting Video
Thrust Lab and Assignment Overview
Thrust Library Reading Material
CUDA Machine Learning
Introduction to Neural Networks
cuDNN Syntax Video
cuTensor Syntax Part 1 Video
cuTensor Syntax Part 2 Video
Lab Activity Overview Video
Capstone Project Video
Neural Networks and CUDA Libraries Reading Material