Data and Urban Governance
- Offered byCoursera
Data and Urban Governance at Coursera Overview
Duration | 11 hours |
Start from | Start Now |
Total fee | Free |
Mode of learning | Online |
Difficulty level | Beginner |
Official Website | Explore Free Course |
Credential | Certificate |
Data and Urban Governance at Coursera Highlights
- Flexible deadlines in accordance to your schedule.
- Earn a Certificate upon completion
Data and Urban Governance at Coursera Course details
- In this MOOC, we will look at this shift more closely: what has the advent of big data done to urban governance? Have platforms disrupted local authorities? How has big data changed local politics? How do we govern using algorithms? What is the place of citizens in the digital city? Is it still possible to be anonymous in the city?
- At the end of this course, you will be able to navigate the landscape of urban governance in the digital era, including its myriad actors and instruments; to decipher what drives ongoing transformations in how local governments are structured and operate; to analyze the contemporary changes in municipal service markets; and to understand what is at stake in terms of the creation and implementation of public policies when data comes to town.
Data and Urban Governance at Coursera Curriculum
When Data Comes to Town
General course introduction
Introduction to the session: When data comes to town
Data: Socio-technical infrastructures
Consensus, then measurement
The political stakes of urban reductionism
Data and the reconfiguration of power
The semantic power of public institutions is challenged
Interview with Pierre Emmanuel Brunet - Rouen Respire
Digital Cities Chair: partners and credits
What is data?
The environmental impact of digital technologies
Practical exercise (optional) -Spotting digital technologies in public spaces
Practical exercise: Comparing two similar data sets
Case study: GTFS
Case study: Google Maps and conflicting representations of the urban environment
Week1 Quiz
Data and urban capitalism
The city versus the digital economy
From the sharing economy to digital labor
Creating the smart cities market
Interview with Vincent Vendenberge - Engie Digital
The platform model: The algorithm as middleman
Is data the new black gold for city actors?
Reading guide - Shoshana Zuboff - The Age of Surveillance Capitalism
Case study -IBM and the smart city in Rio
What are the effects of platforms on local municipalities?
Ungovernable platforms?
Case study: Airbnb and the city of Paris
Reading guide - Langley P., Leyshon A. - Platform capitalism: the intermediation and capitalization of digital economic circulation.
Practical exercise: Processing Airbnb data
Week2 Quiz
Data and territorial administration
Introduction to the session: Data and local administration
Understanding and implementing open data
Data and local governments
Interview with Martha Norrick - MODA - NY Analytics
Data-driven local policies and the reconfiguration of relationships between governments and the people and territories they govern
The state of open data
Reading guide - Antoine Courmont - Denis J., Goëta S.
Case study -Accessing platform data: Los Angeles and the fight against free-floating data
Governments and the impacts of data
Reading guide - Kitchin, R. - Jeannot Gilles, Maghin Victor - Vogl, T. M., et al.
Data as the digital side of the relationship with users
What are the impacts for the public and the urban space?
Reading guide- Nam T., Pardo T.A - Malomo, F., & Sena, V. - Fourcade, M., & Gordon, J.
Practical exercise -Reporting-system data and the geography of maintenance operations
Week3 Quiz
Data and Algorithmic Governmentality
Digital footprints, algorithmic governmentality, and the safe city
GDPR and the protection of personal data
Governing the city with algorithms: What's the difference?
Institutional, commercial, and citizen surveillance
Digital footprints and personal data in the city
Practical exercise (optional): Downloading your personal data from social networks
Case study: The Sidewalk Labs controversy in Toronto, a data protection issue?
Case study: Waze and the regulation of road traffic
The limits of AI and algorithmic systems
Citizens and algorithmic black boxes
Reading guide: Virginia Eubanks - Automating inequality: How high-tech tools profile, police, and punish the poor
The safe city: Centralizing data flows for surveillance purposes
Reading guide: Sarah Brayne - Predict and surveil: Data, discretion, and the future of policing
Practical exercise: Policing data, predictions, and algorithmic bias
Week4 Quiz