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Docker and Kubernetes Training 

  • Offered byCognixia

Docker and Kubernetes Training


5 weeks

Total fee


Mode of learning


Schedule type

Self paced



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Docker and Kubernetes Training
Course details

Who should do this course?
  • This Docker and Kubernetes certification course is highly recommended for aspiring DevOps developers, DevOps engineers, Java developers, C# developers, .Net developers, software engineer, backend developers, IoT architects, QA professionals, etc
What are the course deliverables?
  • Fundamentals of Docker
  • Fundamentals of Kubernetes
  • Running Kubernetes instances on Minikube
  • Creating and working with Kubernetes clusters
  • Working with resources
  • Creating and modifying workloads
  • Working with Kubernetes API and key metadata
  • Working with specialized workloads
  • Scaling deployments and application security
  • Understanding the container ecosystem
More about this course
  • Kubernetes is an open-source orchestration system for automating management, placement, scaling and routing of containers.
  • It provides a API to control how and where the containers would run
  • Docker is also an open-source container-file format for automating the deployment of applications as portable, self-sufficient containers that can run in the cloud or on-premises
  • Cognixia brings to students a unique training covering basic to advanced-level concepts of Docker and Kubernetes.
  • The training offers an engaging and immersive learning experience for participants where they can take advantage of connecting with an industry expert trainer, develop their competencies to meet industry and organizational standards, as well as learn about real-world best practices
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Docker and Kubernetes Training

Docker Essentials

Docker Introduction

Docker Architecture

Docker Installation on RedHat and Ubuntu OS

Working with Images (Docker hub,docker Registry)

Working with containers

Container Networking.

Working with Volumes and Presistent data

Managing Container App using Docker Swarm

Overview of Docker Enterprise Tool


Kubernetes Overview

Kubernetes History

Kubernetes Architecture (Control Plane and Worker node)

Kubernetes Cluster design recommendation


Using Kubernetes Without Installation

Installing the Kubernetes CLI, kubectl

Installing Minikube to Run a Local Kubernetes Instance

Using Minikube Locally for Development

Starting Your First Application on Minikube

Kubernetes Cluster

Installing kubeadm to Create a Kubernetes Cluster

Bootstrapping a Kubernetes Cluster Using kubeadm

Overview of Kubernetes Services on Google Cloud Platform (GKE)

Overview of Kubernetes Services on AWS(EKS)

Kubernetes Pod Overview

Pod Understanding

Pod Networking

Pod Lifecycle

Kubectl run command to create pods

Writing Pod Manifest file from scratch

Creating single/Multi Container pods

Pod Examples for creating,deleting,updating,listing Pods


Node Affinity

Kubernetes Client

Listing Resources

Deleting Resources

Watching Resource Changes with kubectl

Editing Resources with kubectl

Asking kubectl to Explain Resources and Fields

Creating and Modifying Configmaps and secret

Introduction to ConfigMap

Create Configmaps to Map files of host machines to Pod using Volumes

Creating Configmaps from literals to map environment variables in Pod

Create Manifest file to create ConfigMap

Introduction to Secrets

Create secrets to Map sensitive data to Pod using Volumes

Creating secrets to Map literal to enviormenatl variables in Pod

Create Secrets using Manifest file (YAML)

Replication controller and Replica set

Replication Controller Introduction

Creating Replication using Manifest file

Scale up and Scale down Pods using Replication controller

Search pods using label Selectors

Delete replication controller and verify deletion

Replica Set Introduction

Difference between ReplicaSet and Replication Controller

Creating Replication using Manifest file

Scale up and Scale down Pods using ReplicaSet

Search pods using label Selectors

Delete ReplicaSet and verify deletion


Deployment Introduction

Creating Deployment using Manifest file

Scale up and Scale down Pods using Replication controller

Rolling updates using Deployment

Describe Blue/Green Deployment process


DaemonSet Introduction

Creating DaemonSet using Manifest file

Creating DaemonSet using NodeAffinity

Deleting DaemonSet using kubectl commands


Kubernetes Jobs Introduction

Creating Batch jobs in Kuberenetes using Manifest file

How to execute and verify jobs and pods creation.

Delete jobs using kubectl commands

Kubernetes Cron jobs Introduction

Creating/Modifying/deleting the Cron jobs


Kubernetes Namespaces Introduction

Create/delete a custom namespace

Assign/Execute/list Resources in a specified namespace

Introduction to config files

Context in Kubernetes

Create/Get/Use/delete Context in Kubernetes


Create Dashboard in kuberentes

Create/delete/view Pods/deployment using Dashboard


Creating a Service to Expose Your Application

Verifying the DNS Entry of a Service

Changing the Type of a Service

Deploying an Ingress Controller

Making Services Accessible from Outside the Cluster

Exploring the Kubernetes API and key

Discovering API Endpoints of the Kubernetes API Server

Understanding the Structure of a Kubernetes Manifest

Creating Namespaces to Avoid Name Collisions

Setting Quotas Within a Namespace

Labeling an Object

Using Labels for Queries

Annotating a Resource with One Command

Managing specialized workload

Running a Batch Job

Running a Task on a Schedule Within a Pod

Running Infrastructure Daemons per Node

Managing Stateful and Leader/Follower Apps

Influencing Pods’ Startup Behavior

Volumes and Configuration data

Exchanging Data Between Containers via a Local Volume

Providing Configuration Data to an Application

Using a Persistent Volume

Understanding Data Persistency


Scaling a Deployment

Automatically Resizing a Cluster

Automatically Resizing a Cluster

Using Horizontal Pod Autoscaling


Creating Roles in Kubernetes

Creating Role Binding in Kubernetes

Create Service Account in Kubernetes

Assign permission to service account using RBAC

Monitoring and Logging

Accessing the Logs of a Container

Recover from a Broken State with a Liveness Probe

Adding Liveness and Readiness Probes to Your Deployments

Introduction to Metric Server

Find Cpu and Memory utilization using Metric Server

Maintenance and Troubleshooting

Enabling Autocomplete for kubectl

Removing a Pod from a Service

Accessing a ClusterIP Service Outside the Cluster

Understanding and Parsing Resource Statuses

Debugging Pods

Getting a Detailed Snapshot of the Cluster State

Adding Kubernetes Worker Nodes

Draining Kubernetes Nodes for Maintenance

Managing etc.

The Ecosystem

Installing Helm, the Kubernetes Package Manager

Using Helm to Install Applications

Creating Your Own Chart to Package Your Application with Helm

Converting Your Docker Compose Files to Kubernetes Manifests

Docker and Kubernetes Training
Entry Requirements

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  • Not mentioned

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Docker and Kubernetes Training

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