Exam-70461 Querying Microsoft SQL SERVER 2012 14
- Offered byMicrosoft
Exam-70461 Querying Microsoft SQL SERVER 2012 14 at Microsoft Overview
Exam-70461 Querying Microsoft SQL SERVER 2012 14
at Microsoft
Gain a comprehensive overview of Sql
Mode of learning | Online |
Credential | Certificate |
Exam-70461 Querying Microsoft SQL SERVER 2012 14 at Microsoft Highlights
Exam-70461 Querying Microsoft SQL SERVER 2012 14
at Microsoft
- Earn a certificate of completion
Exam-70461 Querying Microsoft SQL SERVER 2012 14 at Microsoft Course details
Exam-70461 Querying Microsoft SQL SERVER 2012 14
at Microsoft
More about this course
- This course will help the student to improve the skills in sql and enhance their career in this field
Exam-70461 Querying Microsoft SQL SERVER 2012 14 at Microsoft Curriculum
Exam-70461 Querying Microsoft SQL SERVER 2012 14
at Microsoft
Create database objects
Work with data
Modify data
Troubleshoot and optimize
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Exam-70461 Querying Microsoft SQL SERVER 2012 14
at Microsoft
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