Exploring and Preparing your Data with BigQuery
- Offered byCoursera
Exploring and Preparing your Data with BigQuery at Coursera Overview
Duration | 13 hours |
Start from | Start Now |
Total fee | Free |
Mode of learning | Online |
Difficulty level | Beginner |
Official Website | Explore Free Course |
Credential | Certificate |
Exploring and Preparing your Data with BigQuery at Coursera Highlights
- 27% started a new career after completing these courses.
- 23% got a tangible career benefit from this course.
- 13% got a pay increase or promotion.
- Earn a shareable certificate upon completion.
Exploring and Preparing your Data with BigQuery at Coursera Course details
- Welcome to the Coursera specialization, From Data to Insights with Google Cloud Platform brought to you by the Google Cloud team. I?m Evan Jones (a data enthusiast) and I?m going to be your guide.
- This first course in this specialization is Exploring and Preparing your Data with BigQuery. Here we will see what the common challenges faced by data analysts are and how to solve them with the big data tools on Google Cloud Platform. You?ll pick up some SQL along the way and become very familiar with using BigQuery and Cloud Dataprep to analyze and transform your datasets.
- This course should take about one week to complete, 5-7 total hours of work. By the end of this course, you?ll be able to query and draw insight from millions of records in our BigQuery public datasets. You?ll learn how to assess the quality of your datasets and develop an automated data cleansing pipeline that will output to BigQuery. Lastly, you?ll get to practice writing and troubleshooting SQL on a real Google Analytics e-commerce dataset to drive marketing insights.
- >>> By enrolling in this specialization you agree to the Qwiklabs Terms of Service as set out in the FAQ and located at: https://qwiklabs.com/terms_of_service <<<
Exploring and Preparing your Data with BigQuery at Coursera Curriculum
Welcome to From ?Data ?to ?Insights ?with ?Google ?Cloud Platform: ?Exploring ?and ?Preparing ?your ?Data
Introduction: From Data to Insights with Google Cloud Platform specialization
Highlight ?Analytics ?Challenges ?Faced ?by ?Data ?Analysts
Compare ?Big ?Data ?On-Premise ?vs ?on ?the ?Cloud
Real-World ?Use ?Cases
Navigate ?Google ?Cloud ?Platform ?Project ?Basics
Module 1 Quiz
Walkthrough ?Data ?Analyst ?Tasks, ?Challenges, ?and ?Introduce ?Google Cloud ?Platform ?Data ?Tools
Demo: BigQuery Tips and Tricks on Public Datasets
Explore ?9 ?Fundamental ?Google ?BigQuery ?Features
Walkthrough: Data Architecture Diagram
Compare ?GCP ?Tools ?for ?Analysts, ?Data ?Scientists, ?and ?Data ?Engineers
Meet Qwiklabs, your on-demand labs platform
Lab Walkthrough - Exploring Ecommerce Data
Demo: Beyond the BigQuery Web UI
Module 2 Quiz
Intro to Google Analytics ecommerce dataset
Compare Common Data Exploration Techniques
Query Basics
Intro to Functions
Demo: Explore Schemas in the BigQuery UI
Filters, Aggregates, and Duplicates
Data Types, Date Functions, and NULLs
Wildcard Filters with LIKE
Lab Walkthrough - Enable Standard SQL
Lab Walkthrough - Query Validator, Aliases, and Commas
Lab Walkthrough - Logical Errors, Group Bys, Wildcard Filters
Lab Walkthrough - Ordering, Calculated fields, Filtering after Aggregating
Lab Walkthrough - Finding top selling products, Filtering NULLs
IRS Public Dataset Overview
Module 3 Quiz
Walkthrough of a BigQuery Job
Calculate ?BigQuery ?Pricing: ?Storage, ?Querying, ?and ?Streaming ?Costs
Demo: Try out the Price Calculator
Reserved Slots
Query Validator, Quotas, and Common Pitfalls
Optimize ?Queries ?for ?Cost
Module 4 Quiz
Examine ?the ?5 ?Principles ?of ?Dataset ?Integrity
Characterize ?Dataset ?Shape ?and ?Skew
Clean ?and ?Transform ?Data ?using ?SQL
Clean ?and ?Transform ?Data ?using ?a ?new ?UI: ?Introducing ?Cloud ?Dataprep
Demo: CloudDataprep on Ecommerce Dataset
Lab Walkthrough - Connecting BigQuery data to Cloud Dataprep
Lab Walkthrough - Exploring Ecommerce Data Fields and Values with a UI
Lab Walkthrough - Building Data Transformation Recipes with a UI
Lab Walkthrough - Running and Scheduling Dataprep Jobs to BigQuery
Components of Data Fusion
Building a Pipeline
Exploring Data using Wrangler
Course Summary
New Lab! Cloud Data Fusion
Module 5 Quiz