University of California, Davis - Geospatial Analysis Project
- Offered byCoursera
Geospatial Analysis Project at Coursera Overview
Duration | 62 hours |
Start from | Start Now |
Total fee | Free |
Mode of learning | Online |
Official Website | Explore Free Course |
Credential | Certificate |
Geospatial Analysis Project at Coursera Highlights
- Shareable Certificate Earn a Certificate upon completion
- 100% online Start instantly and learn at your own schedule.
- Course 5 of 5 in the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Specialization
- Flexible deadlines Reset deadlines in accordance to your schedule.
- Approx. 62 hours to complete
- English Subtitles: French, Portuguese (European), Russian, English, Spanish
Geospatial Analysis Project at Coursera Course details
- In this project-based course, you will design and execute a complete GIS-based analysis-from identifying a concept, question or issue you wish to develop, all the way to final data products and maps that you can add to your portfolio. Your completed project will demonstrate your mastery of the content in the GIS Specialization and is broken up into four phases:
- Milestone 1: Project Proposal - Conceptualize and design your project in the abstract, and write a short proposal that includes the project description, expected data needs, timeline, and how you expect to complete it.
- Milestone 2: Workflow Design - Develop the analysis workflow for your project, which will typically involve creating at least one core algorithm for processing your data. The model need not be complex or complicated, but it should allow you to analyze spatial data for a new output or to create a new analytical map of some type.
- Milestone 3: Data Analysis-Obtain and preprocess data, run it through your models or other workflows in order to get your rough data products, and begin creating your final map products and/or analysis.
- Milestone 4: Web and Print Map Creation - Complete your project by submitting usable and attractive maps and your data and algorithm for peer review and feedback.
Geospatial Analysis Project at Coursera Curriculum
Course Overview and Milestone 1: Project Proposal
Course Overview
Project Proposal Overview
Vector-Based Suitability Analysis (Review from Imagery, Automation, and Applications)
Classifying Imagery and Derived Products (Review from Imagery, Automation, and Applications)
Course Project Overview
Getting Help in this Course
Milestone 1 Assignment Preview
Finding Project Ideas
Data Sources For Your Project
Example Project Proposal
Extra Practice: Make Your Project a Website
Milestone 1: Project Proposal Submission
Milestone 2: Planning Your Workflow
Planning Your Workflow Overview
What is ModelBuilder? (Review from Imagery, Automation, and Applications)
Creating Toolboxes and Tools with ModelBuilder (Review from Imagery, Automation, and Applications)
Setting Up a Larger Model (Review from Imagery, Automation, and Applications)
Using Interface Tools as Geoprocessing Tools in ModelBuilder (Review from Imagery, Automation, and Applications)
Feature Layers and Selections in Models (Review from Imagery, Automation, and Applications)
Branching, Preconditions, and Viewing Progress Interactively (Review from Imagery, Automation, and Applications)
Polishing Models for Reuse (Review from Imagery, Automation, and Applications)
Advanced Models and Exporting Models to Python (Review from Imagery, Automation, and Applications)
Milestone 2 Assignment Preview
Extra Practice: Data Analysis
Milestone 3: Data Analysis
Data Analysis Overview
Milestone 3 Assignment Preview
Example Methods and Results Document
Milestone 3: Data Analysis Continue
Assessing Data Quality and Uncertainty (Review from Data Formats, Design, & Quality)
Data Quality (Review from Data Formats, Design, & Quality)
Metadata (Review from Fundamentals of GIS)
Milestone 3: Data Analysis Submission
Milestone 4: Creating Your Maps
Creating Your Maps Overview
Uploading Rasters to ArcGIS Online
Loading Layers in ArcGIS Online (Review from GIS Data Formats, Design, and Quality)
Applying Symbology in ArcGIS Online (Review from GIS Data Formats, Design, and Quality)
Map Annotations and Scaling in ArcGIS Online (Review from GIS Data Formats, Design, and Quality)
Saving and Sharing Maps with ArcGIS Online (Review from GIS Data Formats, Design, and Quality)
Milestone 4 Assignment Preview
Extra Practice: Cartography and Online Maps
Milestone 4: Creating Your Maps Submission
Course Summary
Extra Practice: Make Your Project a Website