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UNIGE - Global Statistics - Composite Indices for International Comparisons 

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Global Statistics - Composite Indices for International Comparisons


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Global Statistics - Composite Indices for International Comparisons

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Global Statistics - Composite Indices for International Comparisons
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More about this course
  • The number of composite indices that are constructed and used internationally is growing very fast; but whilst the complexity of quantitative techniques has increased dramatically, the education and training in this area has been dragging and lagging behind. As a consequence, these simple numbers, expected to synthesize quite complex issues, are often presented to the public and used in the political debate without proper emphasis on their intrinsic limitations and correct interpretations.
  • In this course on global statistics, offered by the University of Geneva jointly with the ETH Zürich KOF, you will learn the general approach of constructing composite indices and some of resulting problems. We will discuss the technical properties, the internal structure (like aggregation, weighting, stability of time series), the primary data used and the variable selection methods. These concepts will be illustrated using a sample of the most popular composite indices. We will try to address not only statistical questions but also focus on the distinction between policy-, media- and paradigm-driven indicators.
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Global Statistics - Composite Indices for International Comparisons

Welcome module


1.1.1 Welcome - introduction to the objectives and content of the course

Slides for Lesson 1 introduction to objectives and content of the course


List of Acronyms

List of References

2.1.1 Definition of indicators and composite indices

2.1.2 Need, use, pros and cons of composite indices

2.2.2 Statistical offices and the public demand, part I

2.2.3 Statistical offices and the public demand, part II

2.2.4 The demand for social indicators

2.2.5 The political demand, part I

2.2.6 The political demand, part II

2.3.1 Good practices for composite indices, part I

2.3.2 Good practices for composite indices, part II

2.4.1 Constructing composite indices: an overview

Slides for lesson 1 introduction, definition and first examples

Slides for Lesson 2 the demand for composite indices

Slides for Lesson 3 towards a quality framework

Slides for Lesson 4 the steps of constructing a composite index

Quizz Module 2

The steps of constructing a composite index

3.1.1 Developing an economic/statistical framework, part I

3.1.2 Developing an economic/statistical framework, part II

3.1.3 Selecting variables and data issues

3.2.1 A unifying framework for composite indices

3.2.2 The transformation functions

3.2.3 The elasticity of substitution

3.3.1 Choosing the weights, part I

3.3.2 Choosing the weights, part II

3.3.3 Choosing the weights, part III

3.4.1 Robustness of results

Slides for Lesson 1 developing an economic/statistical framework

Slides for Lesson 2 A unifying approach to construct composite indices

Slides for Lesson 3 Choosing the weights

Slides for Lesson 4 After the construction

Quizz Module 3

Globalization and Youth labour market indices (ETH Zurich/KOF)

4.1.1 Introduction

4.1.2 Introduction to the index and YLMI tool

4.1.3 Index components

4.1.4 Index aggregation and results

4.1.5 User perspective

4.2.1 Motivation of the KOF Globalization index

4.2.2 Selection of variables

4.2.3 Normalization, weighting and aggregation

4.2.4 Results

4.2.5 User perspective

Slides for Lesson 1 Youth Labour Market Index

KOF Study n°51 (optional)

KOF Study n°67 (optional)

KOF Study n°83 (optional)

Slides for Lesson 2 KOF Globalization Index

IMF 2007 Reaping the benefits of financial globalization (optional)

Kose et al., IMF 2009 (optional)

Schularick, JFE 2006 (optional)

Quizz Module 4

Export Potential Assessment (ITC)

5.1.1 Introduction

5.1.2 Global overview of the export potential assessment

5.1.3 Motivation and data treatment

5.1.4 Economic framework

5.1.5 First dimension: the supply side

5.1.6 Second dimension: the demand side

5.1.7 Third dimension: the bilateral trade relations, and results

5.1.8 Aggregation and final indicator construction

5.2.1 Overview of PDI, motivation and data treatment

5.2.2 The product space methodology

5.2.3 Dimensions of the index: supply and demand sides, and results

5.2.4 User perspective

Slides for Lesson 1 Export Potential Index

Export Potential Assessment Methodology (optional)

Slides for Lesson 2 Product Diversification Index

Quizz Module 5

Liner shipping connectivity indices (UNCTAD) and Human development index (UNDP)

6.1.1 Introduction

6.1.2 Introduction of the UNCTAD institution

6.1.3 Motivation and plan

6.1.4 LSCI: history and data

6.1.5 LSCI: component and computation

6.1.6 LSCI: stylized facts

6.1.7 LSBCI: motivation and data

6.1.8 LSBCI: components and computation

6.1.9 LSBCI: stylized facts

6.1.10 Conclusion remarks

6.1.11 User perspective

6.2.1 Introduction and motivation for the Human Development index

6.2.2 Indicators: selection and data issues

6.2.3 Aggregation, methods and reasoning

6.2.4 Interview of Flavio Comim: A response to the common criticisms of the HDI

6.2.6 Interview of Selim Jahan, part I: History of the Human Development index, and its major strengths and weaknesses

6.2.7 Interview of Selim Jahan, part II: Other indices in the Human Development Report (HDR), and future of the HDR


Slides for Lesson 1 Liner Shipping Connectivity Index

Liner Shipping connectivity as determinant of trade (Fugazza and Hoffmann) (optional)

Bilateral Liner shipping connectivity since 2006 (Fugazza and Hoffmann) (optional)

UNCTAD transport Newsletter 2007 (optional)

UNCTAD transport Newsletter 2005 (optional)

Slides for Lesson 2 Human Development Index

Human Development Report (technical notes) (optional)

Quizz Module 6

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Global Statistics - Composite Indices for International Comparisons

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