Implement a secure environment for a database service
- Offered byMicrosoft
Implement a secure environment for a database service at Microsoft Overview
Duration | 3 hours |
Total fee | Free |
Mode of learning | Online |
Schedule type | Self paced |
Difficulty level | Intermediate |
Official Website | Explore Free Course |
Credential | Certificate |
Implement a secure environment for a database service at Microsoft Highlights
- Explore data classification capabilities and degrees of confidentiality
- Explore and configure advanced threat protection options, including SQL injection
- Explore encryption options available within Azure SQL, on-premises SQL Server and Open Source data platforms and Secure Enclaves
Implement a secure environment for a database service at Microsoft Course details
- Configure database authentication and authorization
- Protect data in-transit and at rest
- Implement compliance controls for sensitive data
- Explore encryption, firewalls and advanced threat protection
- SQL Server-based options for authentication and authorization
- Azure options for securing Azure SQL databases
- Various security principals and configure permissions
Implement a secure environment for a database service at Microsoft Curriculum
Describe Active Directory and Azure Active Directory
Describe authentication and identities
Describe Security Principals
Describe database and object permissions
Explain execute as user
Explain the policy of least privilege
Exercise: Authorize Access to Azure SQL Database with Azure Active Directory
Describe the role of firewalls
Explain encryption at rest
Describe the role of Azure Key Vault in transparent data encryption
Explain object encryption and secure enclaves
Explain dynamic data masking
Exercise: Configure a server-based firewall rule using the Azure portal
Describe data classification
Describe advanced threat protection
Describe SQL injection
Exercise: Enable Advanced Data Security and Data Classification