Introduction to JavaScript
- Offered bySoloLearn
Introduction to JavaScript at SoloLearn Overview
Mode of learning | Online |
Difficulty level | Beginner |
Credential | Certificate |
Introduction to JavaScript at SoloLearn Highlights
- Earn a certificate of completion
Introduction to JavaScript at SoloLearn Course details
- Master foundational concepts of coding with JavaScript. These are the building blocks for everything else
- Understand how to work with strings to store and manipulate data
- Use “if” and “else” conditional statements to make your program perform different actions
- Create own functions and make your program more convenient, efficient, and readable
- Learn how to work with variables and how to use them to store data
- Solve quantitative problems with arithmetic operations
- Use loops to do the same action repeatedly, but with different values each time
- This course is perfect for beginners — no coding experience is needed
- By the end of this course, learner will know the basics of using JavaScript to make an interactive website
Introduction to JavaScript at SoloLearn Curriculum
Getting Started
Your First JavaScript Program
Delivery Service
JavaScript in HTML
Everyone can code!
Simple Operations
Soccer Team
Drawing a Snowflake
Data Types
Module 1 Quiz
Operators and Strings
Arithmetic Operators
Seafood Dish
Assignment Operators
Hit the Target!
Star Triangle
Template Literals
Account Refill
String Concatenation
Video Game Score
Module 2 Quiz
Decision Making
Booleans & Comparisons
The if statement
Lights On!
else if statements
Club Entrance
switch statements
Browser Theme
Ternary operator
Module 3 Quiz
The for loop
Color Combinations
The while loop
Coding makes it easy!
break and continue
Nearest Restaurant
Module 4 Quiz
Function parameters
Game Machine
Returning from functions
Time to Dance!
Module 5 Quiz