Uppsala Monitoring Centre
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Introduction to signal detection 

  • Offered byUppsala Monitoring Centre

Introduction to signal detection
Uppsala Monitoring Centre 

Gain understanding of signal processing techniques for applications in their respective domains


1 hour

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Introduction to signal detection
Uppsala Monitoring Centre 

  • Earn a certificate after completion of the course
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Introduction to signal detection
Uppsala Monitoring Centre 
Course details

More about this course
  • This course aims to provide students with a solid foundation in signal detection principles, enabling them to apply these concepts and methods in various domains, ranging from engineering and communications to data analysis and beyond
  • This course introduces students to the fundamental concepts and methods employed in detecting and processing signals across different disciplines

Introduction to signal detection
Uppsala Monitoring Centre 

What is a signal

define "signal" in the pharmacovigilance setting

When does signal detection start

become familiar with the principles of drug development

Why do we need signal detection

Explain the need for signal detection in the post-marketing phase

Where can we find signals

identify potential signal sources

What triggers a signal

Recognise and discuss factors that trigger a signal detection process

How do we assess a signal

Explain the principles of signal assessment

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Introduction to signal detection
Uppsala Monitoring Centre 

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