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JavaScript for beginners 

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JavaScript for beginners

Gain a comprehensive overview of JavaScript

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JavaScript for beginners

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JavaScript for beginners
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More about this course
  • JavaScript (js) is a light-weight object-oriented programming language which is used by several websites for scripting the webpages
  • It is an interpreted, full-fledged programming language that enables dynamic interactivity on websites when applied to an HTML document

JavaScript for beginners

The Basics

Building a passenger counter app

Setting up our JavaScript file

Write your first JavaScript variable

Basic mathematical operations

Reassigning and incrementing

Adding a button

The onclick event listener

Using functions to write less code

Write your first function

Write a function that logs the sum

Write a function that increments

Increment on clicks

Display the count

The Document Object Model

Display the count with innerText

Create the save button

What is a string?

Write your first string variable

Log a greeting to the console

Strings vs Numbers

Render a welcome message

Improve the message with string concatenation

Use plus equal for count

Create the save feature

Debugging online

Set the count to 0

Congrats & recap

Practice Time: Part 1

Variables practice

Contatenate two strings in a function

Incrementing and decrementing

Strings and numbers

Rendering an error message

Calculator challenge

Build A Blackjack Game

Let's build a Blackjack game!

Add the firstCard, secondCard, and sum

If...else conditionals

Your first if...else statement

if/else...if/else statement

The if...else statement for our game

Add the hasBlackJack variable

Add the isAlive variable

Let's practice boolean conditions

Add the message variable

Link to stylesheet

Add basic styling

Make the start button work

Display the message

Display the sum

Display the cards

New card button

Add to the sum when newCard is clicked

Rename the startGame function

Solving our cards problem with an array

?Practice Time: Part 2

Objects and functions

if else

Loops and arrays

push, pop, unshift, shift challenge

Logical operators

Rock papers scissors

Sorting fruits

?Build A Chrome Extension

Let's build a Chrome Extension!

Add button and input tag

Style the button and input tag

Make the input button work with onclick

Refactor to addEventListener

Write your first addEventListener()

Your turn to refactor

Create the myLeads array and inputEl

When to use let and const

Push to the myLeads array

Push the value from the input field

Use a for loop to log out leads

Create the unordered list

Render the leads in the unordered list

How to render

  • elements with innerHTML

    Write your first innerHTML

    More innerHTML practice

    Render the

  • elements with innerHTML

    Use createElement() and append() instead of innerHTML

    Improving the performance of our app

    Create the render function

    Clear the input field

    Add the tag

    Template strings

  • ?Practice Time: Part 3

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    300 hours
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    JavaScript for beginners
    Students Ratings & Reviews

    Verified Icon3 Ratings
    JavaScript for beginners
    Offered by Freecodecamp
    Learning Experience: It was a good read.The course had a great scale on the basics.
    Faculty: They helped in all doubts. There was a good community to share our thoughts as well The interactive exercises were a good learning curve
    Reviewed on 4 Mar 2023Read More
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    JavaScript for beginners

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