Jetpack Compose Crash course for Android with Kotlin 

  • Offered byUDEMY

Jetpack Compose Crash course for Android with Kotlin

Modern Android apps with Jetpack Compose and integrations: MVVM, Coroutines, ViewModel, LiveData, Retrofit, Navigation


11 hours

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Jetpack Compose Crash course for Android with Kotlin

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Jetpack Compose Crash course for Android with Kotlin
Course details

Skills you will learn
Who should do this course?
  • For Android Developers
  • For Android enthusiasts
What are the course deliverables?
  • How to create Android UI and layouts directly in code with Kotlin
  • Modern Declarative way of creating UI in Android
  • How to use Compose with other Jetpack libraries: ViewModel, Navigation, LiveData
  • How to use Compose with other popular libraries: Coroutines, Retrofit
  • How to integrate Compose in a MVVM architecture
  • How to create beautiful animations with Jetpack Compose
More about this course
  • Jetpack Compose is Android?s modern toolkit for building native UI
  • The basics and fundamental concepts behind Compose like: the declarative paradigm shift, the dynamic content concept, recompostion and more

Jetpack Compose Crash course for Android with Kotlin

Introduction to Compose

What is Jetpack Compose?

Course outline

Why should we use Compose?

Why is it called Compose?

Inheritance vs Composition

Install Android Studio

Project resources and teaching style

Basics of Jetpack Compose

Create a new compose project

Kotlin basics: Classes, variables and methods

Kotlin basics: Inheritance

Android basics: Activities and their lifecycle

Compose is built on Composables

Kotlin Trailling Lambdas and Compose

Understanding preview

Using Text composable

More on Composable functions

Using Button composable

Identify composables through preview

Modifying Composables with Modifier

Adding clicking effect and padding

The order of modifiers matters

Customizing a Text Composable

Quiz about the basics of Compose

Core UI elements of Compose

Module Introduction

Adding surface Composable to a screen

Wrap content of composables

Align composables with wrapped content

Multiple composables inside a parent composable

Row, Column and Box in Compose

Creating a basic layout with Row

Extract composables for reuse

Alignment and arrangement for Row

Exploring arrangement for a Row

Column composable

Nesting row with columns

Compose fundamentals concepts

Module Introduction

The Declarative paradigm shift

Dynamic content concepts

Dynamic content example


State Management in Compose

Module introduction

State and recomposition

Adding list state

Lifting up state (State Hoisting)

Add TextField with state

Introduction to ViewModel and LiveData

Lift up state to ViewModel

Creating and theming a Profile card layout

Module Introduction

Create skeleton for profile card layout

Creating profile icon for card

Creating text content for profile card

Theme in Compose

Customizing colors in theme

Add Scaffold and AppBar

Customizing shapes in theme

Customizing font type in theme

Add another user to the layout

Extracting user data to an entity

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Jetpack Compose Crash course for Android with Kotlin
Faculty details

Catalin Ghita
He is a Software Engineer at AirTouch New Media, main editor at CodingTroops and tech enthusiast on everything that is about code and programming.

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Jetpack Compose Crash course for Android with Kotlin
Students Ratings & Reviews

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Sudarshan Bhatt
Jetpack Compose Crash course for Android with Kotlin
Offered by UDEMY
Learning Experience: Helps to get started
Faculty: Good very good , topics it covers
Course Support: New tech stack
Reviewed on 17 Feb 2023Read More
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Jetpack Compose Crash course for Android with Kotlin

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