Sapienza University - Macroeconomic Financial Accounts
- Offered byCoursera
Macroeconomic Financial Accounts at Coursera Overview
Duration | 28 hours |
Start from | Start Now |
Total fee | Free |
Mode of learning | Online |
Difficulty level | Intermediate |
Official Website | Explore Free Course |
Credential | Certificate |
Macroeconomic Financial Accounts at Coursera Highlights
- Flexible deadlines in accordance to your schedule.
- Earn a Certificate upon completion
Macroeconomic Financial Accounts at Coursera Course details
- This course is primarily aimed at undergraduates attending their final year or Master's students in monetary and financial economics, international macroeconomics and data mining. Professionals in Government institutions, Central Banks, business and the financial industry, along with other professionals interested in finance and macroeconomics, may also benefit from this course. The lectures, the tutorials and the activities lead the participants, step-by-step, through the system of financial accounts and provide unique hands-on guides to the macroeconomic databanks of the major national and international institutions (OECD, European Central Bank, US Federal Reserve System, Bank for International Settlements, IMF). At the end of the course students will gain a clear overview of the financial connections among the institutional sectors in market economies. Student activities include manipulations of data obtained from institutional websites with spreadsheets in order to construct tables and graphs.
Macroeconomic Financial Accounts at Coursera Curriculum
Introduction to Course 1 on Macroeconomic Financial Accounts and Week 1 - Financial Systems at a Glance
Introduction Sofia Poggi
Introduction Francesco Ruggeri
Contents of Course 1 - Giuseppe De Arcangelis
Introduction to the Course - Daniele Fano
1.1 Introduction to the topics of week 1- Giuseppe De Arcangelis
Introduction to week 1- Daniele Fano
Lesson 1.1.1 Financial Transactions the end of one story, the beginning of another one.
Lesson 1.1.2 The Identity relating net lending/net borrowing across the five institutional sectors
Lesson 1.1.3 Heuristic Aspects of the balancing logic and the current account balance as a proxy
How to select and download data from the OECD website
Podcast: Peter van de Ven (Head of National Accounts, OECD)
Contents of Week 1 - Figures at a Glance
Introduction - Slides
Table 1.1.1 Figures at a Glance
You are ready for Topic 1
Slides 1.1.1 Financial Transactions: the end of one story, the beginning of another one.
You are ready for Topic 2
Slides 1.1.2 The Identity relating net lending/net borrowing across the five institutional sectors
Table 1.1.2 b net lending/net borrowing across sectors
You are ready for Topic 3
Slides 1.1.3 Heuristic Aspects of the balancing logic and the current account balance as a proxy
Table 1.1.1 Figures at a Glance
SNA definitions: Institutional Sectors
Reference Reading
Daniele Fano and Peter van de Ven
Podcast audio Peter van de Ven (Head of National Accounts, OECD)
1.1.1 Figures at a Glance
1.1.2 - Net lenders and net borrowers
1.1.3 The "private sector" as a proxy
1.1.4 - Private Sector Lending/Borrowing (as % of GDP)
1.1.5 - Exercise your algebra with table 1.1.1
Week 2 - Deriving net lending/net borrowing : national economy vs. rest of the world, balancing items, sectoral breakdowns
1.2 Introduction to the topics of week 2 - Giuseppe De Arcangelis
Lesson 1.2.1 Insights from a national economy vs rest of the world framework
Lesson 1.2.2 - The sequence of accounts, the rest of the world and the balance of payments
Lesson 1.2.3 From the balancing items to the institutional sectors breakdowns.
How to select and download data from the IMF website and from the Eurostat website
Podcast Henning Ahnert (Head of the Financial Accounts and Fiscal Statistics section at ECB)
Contents of Week 2 - Deriving net lending/net borrowing : national economy vs. rest of the world, balancing items, sectoral breakdowns
You are ready for Topic 1
Slides 1.2.1 Insights from a national economy vs rest of the world framework
Table 1.2.1 The goods and services account
Tables 1.2.1 b and 1.2.1 c Value Added (GDP) appears
You are ready for Topic 2
Slides 1.2.2 The Sequence of Accounts, the Rest of the World and the Balance of Payments
Table 1.2.2 Simplified view of the sequence of current and capital accounts
You are ready for Topic 3
Slides 1.2.3 From the balancing items to the institutional sector breakdowns
Tables 1.2.5 - European countries in 2018
USA 1952-2011- Chart
SNA definitions: Transactions, accounting identities, netting and consolidating
Reference Reading
Giuseppe De Arcangelis and Henning Ahnert Part 1
Podcast audio Henning Ahnert (Head of the Financial Accounts and Fiscal Statistics section at ECB) Part 1
1.2.1 The goods and services account
1.2.2 Value Added (GDP) appears
1.2.3 - balance of payments current and capital account items
1.2.4 - European countries in 2018
1.2.5 - USA 1952-2011-
Week 3 - Financial Transactions. Instruments and interconnections
1.3 Introduction to the topics of week 3 - Giuseppe De Arcangelis
Lesson 1.3.1. The logic of the Financial Account and its informational content
Lesson 1.3.2. "From whom to whom"?
Lesson 1.3.3. Risk, securitization and institutionalization
Discrepancies between the Capital Account and the Financial Account
Tutorial 3.1 Financial Instruments
Tutorial 3.2 The FED documentation
Tutorial 3.3 Shakespeare in Finance
Podcast Henning Ahnert (Head of the Financial Accounts and Fiscal Statistics section at ECB) Part 2
Contents of Week 3 - Financial Transactions. Instruments and interconnections
You are ready for Topic 1
Slides 1.3.1. The logic of the Financial Account and its informational content
Table 1.3.1
You are ready for Topic 2
Table 1.3.2- An example - this is our "worksheet"!
Slides 1.3.2. "From whom to whom"?
You are ready for Topic 3
Table 1.3.3-From whom to whom transactions
Slides 1.3.3 Risk, securitization and institutionalization
Table 1.3.4. Canada - Who are the creditors of Provincial and territorial governments ?
Slides - Discrepancies between the Capital Account and the Financial Account
Reference Reading
Giuseppe De Arcangelis and Henning Ahnert Part 2
Podcast audio Henning Ahnert (Head of the Financial Accounts and Fiscal Statistics section at ECB) Part 2
Quiz 1.3.2 Financial Accounts USA 2019
Quiz 1.3.3 Equities From whom to whom Euro area Q1 2020
Quiz 1.3.4 - From whom to whom Statistics Canada
Week 4 - Stocks. Net Worth. Financial Wealth
1.4 Introduction to the topics of week 4 - Giuseppe De Arcangelis
Lesson 1.4.1. The Balance Sheet and its logic
Lesson 1.4.2. Highlights on the Institutional Sectors and Financial Net Worth
Lesson 1.4.3.Considerations on Households' Wealth
Using the OECD website for analyzing figures about levels : Financial Net Worth, International Investment Position
Using the IMF website for analyzing figures about levels : Financial Net Worth, International Investment Position
Contents of Week 4 - Stocks. Net Worth. Financial Wealth
You are ready for Topic 1
Slides 1.4.1. The Balance Sheet and its logic
You are ready for Topic 2
Slides 1.4.2. Highlights on the Institutional Sectors and Financial Net Worth
Table 1.4.2 Financial Net Worth across Sectors
Tables Financial Net Worth The case of Australia Germany and Italy
You are ready for Topic 3
Slides 1.4..3 Considerations on Households' Wealth
SNA definitions: Quadruple accounting
Reference Reading
Quiz 1.4.1- Financial Net Worth Across Sectors European Countries
Quiz 1.4.2- Australia, Italy, Germany Net worth and its components
Week 5 - Accumulation
1.5 Introduction to the topics of week 5 Giuseppe De Arcangelis
Lesson 1.5.1 Accumulation Accounts in the SNA
Lesson 1.5.2 The relative importance of factors affecting Net Worth
Lesson 1.5.3 About stocks and flows across growth and cycles
How to update a table going to the original source.
Contents of Week 5 - Accumulation
You are ready for Topic 1
Slides 1.5.1 Accumulation Accounts in the SNA
Table 1.5.1 - The accumulation accounts at a glance...
Table - 1.5.2 a summary of concepts and sequences
You are ready for Topic 2
Slides 1.5.2 The relative importance of factors affecting Net Worth
Table - 1.5.6 look further into the details
You are ready for Topic 3
Slides 1.5.3 About stocks and flows across growth and cycles
SNA definitions: Net lending net borrowing redefined; nominal vs. real holding gains
Reference Reading
"Selected Questions sent to the OECD National Statistics Department...and Answers" by Isabelle Ynesta, OECD".
1.5.1 Accumulation Accounts at a glance
1.5.2 a summary of concepts and sequences
1.5.3 Changes in net worth
Quiz 1.5.4 -Stocks and flows
Week 6 - Financial Accounts, Economic and Monetary Policy, Stability
1.6 Introduction to the topics of week 6 - Giuseppe De Arcangelis
Lesson 1.6.1. Macro-financial tools for evaluating stability
Lesson 1.6.2. Past and present: from the 2007-2009 crisis to Covid-19
Lesson 1.6.3. The main available reports and documents.
Podcast Part 1 Bruno Tissot (Head of Statistics and Research Support at the BIS and Head of the Secretariat of the Irving Fisher Committee on Central Bank Statistics (IFC)
Podcast Part 2 Bruno Tissot (Head of Statistics and Research Support at the BIS and Head of the Secretariat of the Irving Fisher Committee on Central Bank Statistics (IFC)
Podcast Part 3 Bruno Tissot (Head of Statistics and Research Support at the BIS and Head of the Secretariat of the Irving Fisher Committee on Central Bank Statistics (IFC)
CONTENTS of WEEK 6 - Financial Accounts, Economic and Monetary Policy, Stability
You are ready for Topic 1
Slides 1.6.1 Macro-financial tools for evaluating stability
You are ready for Topic 2
Slides 1.6.2. Past and present: from the 2007-2009 crisis to Covid-19
You are ready for Topic 3
Slides 1.6.3. The main available reports and documents
Correspondence table between US flow of funds and SNA Financial accounts
Reference Reading
"Selected Questions sent to the OECD National Statistics Department...and Answers" by Isabelle Ynesta, OECD".
Daniele Fano and Bruno Tissot Part 1
Podcast audio Part 1
Daniele Fano and Bruno Tissot Part 2
Podcast audio Part 2
Daniele Fano and Bruno Tissot Part 3
Podcast audio Part 3
Multiple-choice quiz
Quiz 1.6.1 -The Operational Deficit
Quiz 1.6.2 - Stability and sustainability
Final test