Node.js, Express, MongoDB & More: The Complete Bootcamp
- Offered byUDEMY
Node.js, Express, MongoDB & More: The Complete Bootcamp at UDEMY Overview
Duration | 6 hours |
Total fee | ₹12,800 |
Mode of learning | Online |
Difficulty level | Intermediate |
Credential | Certificate |
Node.js, Express, MongoDB & More: The Complete Bootcamp at UDEMY Highlights
- Compatible on Mobile and TV
- Earn a certificate on successful completion
- Get Full Lifetime Access
- Learn from Jonas Schmedtmann
Node.js, Express, MongoDB & More: The Complete Bootcamp at UDEMY Course details
- Take this course if you want to build amazingly fast and scalable back-end applications using the JavaScript skills you already have. Node is the perfect tool for you!
- Take this course if you're a front-end developer looking to go into back-end development using the most complete course on the market.
- Take this course if you have taken other Node courses but: 1) still don't feel confident to code real-world apps, or 2) still feel like you need more back-end skills. This course is perfect for you!
- Take this course if you're an experienced Node developer who wants to add new skills missing in other courses: How Node works behind the scenes, advanced data modelling, geospatial data, complete and secure authentication, stripe payments, and more.
- Master the entire modern back-end stack: Node, Express, MongoDB and Mongoose (MongoDB JS driver)
- Build a complete, beautiful & real-world application from start to finish (API and server-side rendered website)
- Build a fast, scalable, feature-rich RESTful API (includes filters, sorts, pagination, and much more)
- Learn how Node really works behind the scenes: event loop, blocking vs non-blocking code, streams, modules, etc.
- CRUD operations with MongoDB and Mongoose
- Deep dive into mongoose (including all advanced features)
- How to work with data in NoSQL databases (including geospatial data)
- Advanced authentication and authorization (including password reset)
- Security: encryption, sanitization, rate limiting, etc.
- Server-side website rendering with Pug templates
- Credit card payments with Stripe
- Sending emails & uploading files
- Deploy the final application to production (including a Git crash-course)
- Downloadable videos, code and design assets for projects
- This course is the perfect all-in-one package that will take you from a complete beginner to an advanced, highly-skilled Node. Js developer. Like all my other courses, this one is completely project based! And not just any project: it's a complete, beautiful and feature-rich application, containing both a RESTful API and a server-side rendered website. It's the most fantastic and complete project that you will find in any Node. Js course on the internet! By building this huge project, you will learn all the skills that you need in order to plan, build and deploy your own modern back-end applications with Node. Js and related technologies.
Node.js, Express, MongoDB & More: The Complete Bootcamp at UDEMY Curriculum
Welcome, Welcome, Welcome!
Course Structure and Projects
Let's Install Node.js
Introduction to Node.js and NPM
Section Intro
What Is Node.js and Why Use It?
Running Javascript Outside the Browser
Using Modules 1: Core Modules
Reading and Writing Files
Blocking and Non-Blocking: Asynchronous Nature of Node.js
Reading and Writing Files Asynchronously
Creating a Simple Web Server
Building a (Very) Simple API
HTML Templating: Building the Templates
HTML Templating: Filling the Templates
Parsing Variables from URLs
Using Modules 2: Our Own Modules
Introduction to NPM and the package.json File
Types of Packages and Installs
Using Modules 3: 3rd Party Modules
Package Versioning and Updating
Setting up Prettier in VS Code
Recap and What's Next
Introduction to Back-End Web Development
Section Intro
An Overview of How the Web Works
HTTP in Action
Front-End vs. Back-End Web Development
Static vs Dynamic vs API
How Node.js Works: A Look Behind the Scenes
Section Intro
Node, V8, Libuv and C++
Processes, Threads and the Thread Pool
The Node.js Event Loop
The Event Loop in Practice
Events and Event-Driven Architecture
Events in Practice
Introduction to Streams
Streams in Practice
How Requiring Modules Really Works
Requiring Modules in Practice
[Optional] Asynchronous JavaScript: Promises and Async/Await
Section Intro
The Problem with Callbacks: Callback Hell
From Callback Hell to Promises
Building Promises
Consuming Promises with Async/Await
Returning Values from Async Functions
Waiting for Multiple Promises Simultaneously
Express: Let's Start Building the Natours API!
Section Intro
What is Express?
Installing Postman
Setting up Express and Basic Routing
APIs and RESTful API Design
Starting Our API: Handling GET Requests
Handling POST Requests
Responding to URL Parameters
Handling PATCH Requests
Handling DELETE Requests
Refactoring Our Routes
Middleware and the Request-Response Cycle
Creating Our Own Middleware
Using 3rd-Party Middleware
Implementing the "Users" Routes
Creating and Mounting Multiple Routers
A Better File Structure
Param Middleware
Chaining Multiple Middleware Functions
Serving Static Files
Environment Variables
Setting up ESLint + Prettier in VS Code
Introduction to MongoDB
Section Intro
What is MongoDB?
Installing MongoDB on macOS
Installing MongoDB on Windows
Creating a Local Database
CRUD: Creating Documents
CRUD: Querying (Reading) Documents
CRUD: Updating Documents
CRUD: Deleting Documents
Using Compass App for CRUD Operations
Creating a Hosted Database with Atlas
Connecting to Our Hosted Database
Using MongoDB with Mongoose
Section Intro
Connecting Our Database with the Express App
What Is Mongoose?
Creating a Simple Tour Model
Creating Documents and Testing the Model
Intro to Back-End Architecture: MVC, Types of Logic, and More
Refactoring for MVC
Another Way of Creating Documents
Reading Documents
Updating Documents
Deleting Documents
Modelling the Tours
Importing Development Data
Making the API Better: Filtering
Making the API Better: Advanced Filtering
Making the API Better: Sorting
Making the API Better: Limiting Fields
Making the API Better: Pagination
Making the API Better: Aliasing
Refactoring API Features
Aggregation Pipeline: Matching and Grouping
Aggregation Pipeline: Unwinding and Projecting
Virtual Properties
Document Middleware
Query Middleware
Aggregation Middleware
Data Validation: Built-In Validators
Data Validation: Custom Validators
Error Handling with Express
Section Intro
Debugging Node.js with ndb
Handling Unhandled Routes
An Overview of Error Handling
Implementing a Global Error Handling Middleware
Better Errors and Refactoring
Catching Errors in Async Functions
Adding 404 Not Found Errors
Errors During Development vs Production
Handling Invalid Database IDs
Handling Duplicate Database Fields
Handling Mongoose Validation Errors
Errors Outside Express: Unhandled Rejections
Catching Uncaught Exceptions
Authentication, Authorization and Security
Section Intro
Modelling Users
Creating New Users
Managing Passwords
How Authentication with JWT Works
Signing up Users
Logging in Users
Protecting Tour Routes - Part 1
Protecting Tour Routes - Part 2
Advanced Postman Setup
Authorization: User Roles and Permissions
Password Reset Functionality: Reset Token
Sending Emails with Nodemailer
Password Reset Functionality: Setting New Password
Updating the Current User: Password
Updating the Current User: Data
Deleting the Current User
Security Best Practices
Sending JWT via Cookie
Implementing Rate Limiting
Setting Security HTTP Headers
Data Sanitization
Preventing Parameter Pollution
Modelling Data and Advanced Mongoose
Section Intro
MongoDB Data Modelling
Designing Our Data Model
Modelling Locations (Geospatial Data)
Modelling Tour Guides: Embedding
Modelling Tour Guides: Child Referencing
Populating Tour Guides
Modelling Reviews: Parent Referencing
Creating and Getting Reviews
Populating Reviews
Virtual Populate: Tours and Reviews
Implementing Simple Nested Routes
Nested Routes with Express
Adding a Nested GET Endpoint
Building Handler Factory Functions: Delete
Factory Functions: Update and Create
Factory Functions: Reading
Adding a /me Endpoint
Adding Missing Authentication and Authorization
Importing Review and User Data
Improving Read Performance with Indexes
Calculating Average Rating on Tours - Part 1
Calculating Average Rating on Tours - Part 2
Preventing Duplicate Reviews
Geospatial Queries: Finding Tours Within Radius
Geospatial Aggregation: Calculating Distances
Creating API Documentation Using Postman
Server-Side Rendering with Pug Templates
Section Intro
Recap: Server-Side vs Client-Side Rendering
Setting up Pug in Express
First Steps with Pug
Creating Our Base Template
Including Files into Pug Templates
Extending Our Base Template with Blocks
Setting up the Project Structure
Building the Tour Overview - Part 1
Building the Tour Overview - Part 2
Building the Tour Page - Part 1
Building the Tour Page - Part 2
Including a Map with Mapbox - Part 1
Including a Map with Mapbox - Part 2
Building the Login Screen
Logging in Users with Our API - Part 1
Logging in Users with Our API - Part 2
Logging in Users with Our API - Part 3
Logging out Users
Rendering Error Pages
Building the User Account Page
Updating User Data
Updating User Data with Our API
Updating User Password with Our API
Advanced Features: Payments, Email, File Uploads
Section Intro
Image Uploads Using Multer: Users
Configuring Multer
Saving Image Name to Database
Resizing Images
Adding Image Uploads to Form
Uploading Multiple Images: Tours
Processing Multiple Images
Building a Complex Email Handler
Email Templates with Pug: Welcome Emails
Sending Password Reset Emails
Using Sendgrid for "Real" Emails
Credit Card Payments with Stripe
Integrating Stripe into the Back-End
Processing Payments on the Front-End
Modelling the Bookings
Creating New Bookings on Checkout Success
Rendering a User's Booked Tours
Finishing the Bookings API
Final Considerations
Setting Up Git and Deployment
Section Intro
Setting Up Git and GitHub
Git Fundamentals
Pushing to GitHub
Preparing Our App for Deployment
Deploying Our App to Heroku
Testing for Secure HTTPS Connections
Responding to a SIGTERM Signal
Implementing CORS
Finishing Payments with Stripe Webhooks
That's It, Everyone!
Where to Go from Here