Nursing Studies - The Nurse as Team Leader and Teacher
- Offered byAlison
Nursing Studies - The Nurse as Team Leader and Teacher at Alison Overview
Nursing Studies - The Nurse as Team Leader and Teacher
at Alison
Gain a better understanding of a nurse's role as a team leader and teacher with this free online nursing course
Duration | 4 hours |
Total fee | Free |
Mode of learning | Online |
Official Website | Explore Free Course |
Credential | Certificate |
Nursing Studies - The Nurse as Team Leader and Teacher at Alison Highlights
Nursing Studies - The Nurse as Team Leader and Teacher
at Alison
- Earn a certificate of completion from Alison
Nursing Studies - The Nurse as Team Leader and Teacher at Alison Course details
Nursing Studies - The Nurse as Team Leader and Teacher
at Alison
What are the course deliverables?
- Identify factors which define Team Nursing
- Identify the responsibilities of a Team Leader
- Define the different types of Leadership styles
- Examine what factors affect productivity levels
- Identify the steps in the teaching learning process
- Define what factors can affect learning
- Identify principles for effective teacher-learning
- Identify the three main types of learning
More about this course
- This free online Nursing Studies course focuses on the nurse as a team leader and teacher
- The essential role of a nurse as a caregiver is well recognized, but the modern nurse can also be a team leader
- With this course, you will gain an overview of the main roles nurses hold as team leaders
- You will study team nursing, different leadership styles, and their impact on team performance and productivity levels
- This course will first discuss the factors that influence team productivity
- You will learn that in order to be productive, nurses must utilise both specialist skills and knowledge
- The course will discuss the challenge of measuring productivity as well as the factors relating to and impacting team productivity
- You will then learn how to measure productivity for task-based activities and study leadership styles and productivity
Nursing Studies - The Nurse as Team Leader and Teacher at Alison Curriculum
Nursing Studies - The Nurse as Team Leader and Teacher
at Alison
The Nurse As A Team Leader
Introduction To The Practical Nurse As Team Leader
Team Leader Responsibilities
Factors Influencing Productivity
The Nurse As A Teacher
Introduction To The Practical Nurse As A Teacher
Teaching And Learning Strategies
Factors Which Affect Learning
Steps In The Learning Process
Course Assessment
The Nurse As Team Leader And Teacher - Assessment
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Nursing Studies - The Nurse as Team Leader and Teacher
at Alison
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