Persist Your Java Application's Data With the Repository Pattern
- Offered byOpenClassrooms
Persist Your Java Application's Data With the Repository Pattern at OpenClassrooms Overview
Persist Your Java Application's Data With the Repository Pattern
at OpenClassrooms
Duration | 6 hours |
Total fee | Free |
Mode of learning | Online |
Difficulty level | Intermediate |
Official Website | Explore Free Course |
Credential | Certificate |
Persist Your Java Application's Data With the Repository Pattern at OpenClassrooms Highlights
Persist Your Java Application's Data With the Repository Pattern
at OpenClassrooms
- Earn a Certificate of achievement from Openclassroom
Persist Your Java Application's Data With the Repository Pattern at OpenClassrooms Course details
Persist Your Java Application's Data With the Repository Pattern
at OpenClassrooms
What are the course deliverables?
- Learning Outcomes:
- Persist data within your Java applications.
- Persist Java objects into a relational database using JDBC and Hibernate.
- Use the repository pattern to organize persistence logic in your code.
More about this course
- This course takes you through a variety of simple ways to store information in Java, known as persistence
- These give you a broad understanding of possible options and how they work as you start your professional career
- In Part 1, we introduce some low-level persistence techniques and get used to storing objects in disk files using serialization
- In Part 2, we connect to relational databases and use their features to store and query sets of objects
- In Part 3, we wrap our persistence code in a particular facade pattern known as the repository pattern so that we can swap between persistence techniques
- On completion, you will be able to use a range of persistence technologies and to structure your software to separate the persistence aspects from the rest of your application
Persist Your Java Application's Data With the Repository Pattern at OpenClassrooms Curriculum
Persist Your Java Application's Data With the Repository Pattern
at OpenClassrooms
Part #1 - Persist Data Within Your Java Applications
Part #2 - Persist Java Object into a Relational Database Using JDBC and Hibernate
Part #3 - Organize Persistence Logic in Your Code with the Repository Pattern
Persist Your Java Application's Data With the Repository Pattern at OpenClassrooms Faculty details
Persist Your Java Application's Data With the Repository Pattern
at OpenClassrooms
Martin Hill
Designation : Software and systems engineer - loving the puzzles
Persist Your Java Application's Data With the Repository Pattern at OpenClassrooms Entry Requirements
Persist Your Java Application's Data With the Repository Pattern
at OpenClassrooms
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Persist Your Java Application's Data With the Repository Pattern
at OpenClassrooms
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