- Offered byIncapp
Python at Incapp Overview
Mode of learning | Online |
Credential | Certificate |
Python at Incapp Highlights
- Earn a certificate after completion of the course
Python at Incapp Course details
- This course will enhance the knowledge of python
- Python is a great and friendly language to use and learn
- It fun, and can be adapted to both small and large projects
- Python will cut your development time greatly and overall, its much faster to write Python than other languages
Python at Incapp Curriculum
Introduction to Python
History of Python
Features of Python
Versions of Python
Applications of Python
Scripting vs Programming Language
Python Basic
Data Type
Python Operators
Assignment Operators
Arithmetic Operators
Short-hand Operator
Relational Operators
Decision Making Statements
if Statement
if - else Statement
elif Statement
Nested Decision Making Statement
Looping Statements
For Loo
While Loop
else with loop
pass, break and continue
Nested Loops
Defining a Function
Calling a Function
Types of Functions
Formal and actual Arguments
Named and keyword arguments
Modules & Packages
Need of modules
Creating a module and Importing Module
Different ways of importing
Object Oriented Programming
Procedural vs Object Oriented Programming
Features of OOP
Defining a Class
Python Built-in Data Types
Creating Strings
Strings Immutability
String Indexing and Slicing
String Formatting