React JS- Complete Guide for Frontend Web Development
- Offered byUDEMY
React JS- Complete Guide for Frontend Web Development at UDEMY Overview
Duration | 22 hours |
Total fee | ₹389 |
Mode of learning | Online |
Credential | Certificate |
React JS- Complete Guide for Frontend Web Development at UDEMY Highlights
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React JS- Complete Guide for Frontend Web Development at UDEMY Course details
- For Beginners who want to learn Web Development from scratch
- For Freshers who want to become a React Frontend Developer
- For Programmers who want to learn Javascript language
- For Developers who want to learn React JS
- Learn to create basic web pages using HTML5
- Learn to style and add animations to bring those basic web pages to life using CSS3
- Learn the Javascript language from basic to advanced along with the Next Gen JS - ES6
- Learn to create responsive and interactive web pages using Javascript and jQuery
- Create user-friendly, beautiful, light and fast websites using React JS
- Become an expert front end developer using ReactJs
- This course is a complete guide to become an expert front-end web developer
- It contains all the tools and technologies that you should be proficient in work as a React Developer
- React.js reduces the impact of change in the code file since the changes in parent components don?t affect the children
React JS- Complete Guide for Frontend Web Development at UDEMY Curriculum
HTML 5 - Basics to Advanced
HTML - Adding Heading in a Webpage
HTML - Adding Paragraph in a Webpage
HTML - Adding Images in Web Pages
HTML - Creating Ordered and Unordered Lists
HTML - Adding Styles and Formatting HTML Elements
HTML - Block and Inline Display Values
HTML - Adding group styles using Class attribute
HTML - Adding HyperLinks in Webpages
HTML - Using links to connect Webpages
HTML - Uniquely Identify HTML Element by using ID attribute
HTML - Mini-Project 1: Favorite Foods Webpage
HTML - Mini-Project 1: Solution
HTML - What makes HTML5 Better?
HTML - New Elements & Attributes in HTML5
HTML - Design Page Structure Using Semantic Elements
HTML - New Semantic Elements:
HTML - Introduction to Tables
HTML - Span table rows and columns
HTML - Design layouts using Tables
HTML Tables - Practice Problem 1
HTML Tables - Practice Problem 1: Solution
HTML - Introduction to Forms
HTML - Form Input Types
HTML - Adding Styles to Forms
HTML - Form Methods: GET and POST
HTML - New Form Elements
HTML - New Form Input Types
HTML - New Form Input Attributes
HTML - Form Validation
HTML - Forms Practice Problem 1
HTML - Forms Practice Problem 1 - Solution
HTML - Adding Videos in a Webpage
HTML - Adding Audio in a Webpage
HTML - The
HTML - Embed Youtube Videos in a Webpage
HTML - Introduction to SVG
HTML - Create circle using SVG
HTML - Create a rectangle using SVG
HTML - Final Project
CSS3- Basic to Advanced
CSS - Introduction
CSS - How to use CSS?
CSS - Styling Text
CSS - Adding Borders
CSS - Margin and Padding
CSS - Styling Lists
CSS - Styling Links
CSS - Styling Buttons
CSS - Adding Icons
CSS - Working with Display Values
CSS - Display value: Inline-Block
CSS - Positioning HTML Elements Part-1
CSS - Positioning HTML Elements Part-2
CSS - Handling Content Overflow
CSS - Floating HTML Elements
CSS - Box Model
JavaScript- Basic to Advanced
JavaScript - Introduction
JavaScript - Introduction to Variables, Operators and Expressions
JavaScript - Variables
JavaScript - Numbers
JavaScript - In-Built Number Functions
JavaScript - Strings
JavaScript - In-Built String Functions Part-1
JavaScript - In-Built String Functions Part-2
JavaScript - Null and Undefined Values
JavaScript - Conditional Statement: If-else
JavaScript - Conditional Statement: Switch
JavaScript - Arithmetic Operators
JavaScript - Assignment Operators
JavaScript - Comparison and Logical Operators
JavaScript - Implicit Type Coercion
JavaScript - Explicit Type Coercion
JavaScript - Objects
JavaScript - Arrays Part 1
JavaScript - Arrays Part 2
jQuery - Introduction
jQuery - Selectors and Filters
jQuery - Add/Update HTML Elements
jQuery - Add/Update Styles
jQuery - Handling HTML Events
jQuery - Making AJAX Calls
Modern Javascript (ES6) for react
ES6 - Introduction
ES6 - Variable Creation using "let" and "const"
ES6 - Template Strings
ES6 - Arrow Functions
ES6 - Rest Operator
ES6 - Spread Operator
ES6 - Destructuring
ES6 - Array Functions: map()
ES6 - Arrow Functions: reduce()
ES6 - Arrow Functions: filter()
ES6 - Arrow Functions: find() and findIndex()
ES6 - Introduction to Classes
ES6 - Inheritance in ES6
ES6 - Callbacks and Promises
ES6 - Working with Promises
ES6 - Chaining Promises
ReactJS - Introduction
ReactJS - Understanding SPAs and MPAs
ReactJS - Creating our First React App
ReactJS - Project Structure created by CRA
ReactJS - Introduction to JSX
ReactJS - JSX Behind the Scenes
ReactJS - Adding Styles to React Elements
ReactJS - Create React Elements Dynamically
ReactJS - Creating our First React Component
ReactJS - Passing Data to Components using Props
ReactJS - Import and Export of Modules
ReactJS - Introduction to CSS Modules
ReactJS - Creating Mobile Responsive Components
ReactJS - Stateful vs Stateless Components
ReactJS - Creating Class-based Components
ReactJS - More about setState() Method
ReactJS - Passing Props to Class-based Components