Selenium Training in Tambaram Chennai
- Offered byGreen Technologys
Selenium Training in Tambaram Chennai at Green Technologys Overview
Duration | 40 hours |
Mode of learning | Online |
Official Website | Go to Website |
Credential | Certificate |
Selenium Training in Tambaram Chennai at Green Technologys Course details
- Selenium is a portable software testing framework for web applications
- It also provides a test domain-specific language (Selenese) to write tests in a number of popular programming languages, including C#, Groovy, Java, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, and Scala. Selenium provides a playback tool (previously also recording) to authorize tests without the needto learn a test script language (Selenium IDE)
- Selenium Training Institutes in Tambaram Chennai helps students to keep on par with the trending technology
- Work with a single-handed determination to make students enriched in Selenium knowledge and provide value for the bucks
Selenium Training in Tambaram Chennai at Green Technologys Curriculum
Selenium Introduction
Types of Applications (Desktop, Web, Mobile, Hybrid)
Software Testing Methods (Manual and Test Automation).
Selenium Introduction
Selenium Components
Selenium vs Other Testing Tools
Advantages of Selenium
Integration of Selenium with Other Tools
Selenium Components
Purposes and functionalities
Understanding the components
Selenium RC
Selenium IDE
Selenium web driver
Selenium Grid
When to use Grid
Types of browser Launch
Desired Capability
Downloading driver file
Downloading selenium jar file
Chrome Browser Launching
Safari Browser Launching
Internet Explorer Browser Launching
Installing Fire Bug and Fire Path
Firefox Browser Launching
Inspecting elements in different browsers .
class name
x path
tag Name
link Text
partially Link Text
css Selector
Contains Xpath
Text Xpath
Text Contains Xpath
Attribute with contains
Types of Xpath
Relative Xpath
Absolute Xpath
Difference between Absolute Xpath andRelative Xpath
Limitations in Absolute xpath
Advantages of using Relative xpath
check box
Finding checkboxes count
Checking the visiblity of Check Box
Checking the properties of Check Box
Identifying common locator for all checkboxes
Checking toggled attribute
Text Box
Handling the Text Box
Checking the visiblity of Text Box
Checking the properties of Text Box
Identifying common loactor for all TextBoxes
Finding Textboxes count
Radio Button
Handling the Text Box
Checking the visiblity of Text Box
Checking the properties of Text Box
Identifying common loactor for all Text Boxes
Finding Textboxes count
Radio Button
Handling the Radio Button
Checking the visiblity of Radio Button
Checking the properties of Radio Button
Identifying common locator for all Radio buttons
Finding radio buttons count
Dynamic Locators
Absolute Path method
Relative XPath method
Identify by index
Preceeding-sibling,Following-sibling concept
Ancestor ,parent concept
Common tagname(*) method
Multiple attributes to locate an element
Desired Capability
Needfor DesiredCapabilities
Different types of DesiredCapabilities Methods
Example for set capability method
Setting the Property
Getting the Property
Navigation Commands
Navigate To Command
Forward Command
Back Command
Refresh Command
navigate method over get method
Navigation by using Java script Executor
WebDriver Commands
Fetching a web page
Locating elements andsending user inputs
Clearing User inputs
Fetching data over any web element
Performing Click event
Navigating backward in browser history
Navigating forward in browser history
Refresh/ Reload a web page
Closing Windows
Closing Browser
Handling Windows
Handling Frames
Handling Drag and Drop
Drag andDrop
Mouseover Action
Right Click
Double Click
Performing Multiple Actions
Accessing modifier keys using Actions class
Switching into Alert
Alert methods
Types of Alert
Handling the Alert
Passing the inputs to Alerts
Entering text into Alert
Get the text present in Alert
Handling the Window basedpopups
Handling the Notification popups
Handling pop-ups using Robot class
Handling the Login popups
Chrome Options
Firefox Options
Internet Explorer Options
Robot class
Needof Robot Class
Methods to implement this class
Mouse click using Robot class
Cut Operations
Paste Operations
File Uploading
Alert Handling
Need for Waits
Static waits
Dynamic waits
Implicit Waits
Explicit Waits
Fluent Waits
WebDriver Waits
Web Element Highlighting
Click Operation
Fetching the Data from Web Element
Sending the Inputs to Web Element
Scrolling Operations
Highlighting a Web Element
ScrollUp / ScrollDown
Scroll the web page by pixel
Scroll the web page by the visibility of the element
Scroll down the web page at the bottom of the page
Horizontal scroll on the web page
Multiple Scroll
Scroll By coordinates
Need for Frames
Identifying a Frame
Switching to Frames using Selenium WebDriver
Different ways of switching
Dynamic frames handling
Frames Size
Concept of Nested Frames
Windows Handling
Importance of Windows Handling
Handling the Multiple Windows
Windows Handling using Set
Windows Handling using List
Analyzing WebTable structure in DOM
Handling multiple webtables in a page
Dynamically changing WebTable handling
Extracting values from webTable
Analyzing the Tagnames
Different Scenarios with WebTable
Dynamic WebTable
Handling Dynamic Tables In Selenium
Analyzing the Dynamic WebTable
Analyzing the HTML Tags in Dynamic WebTable
Different Scenario with Dynamic WebTable
Need of Screenshot in Automation testing
Capture Screenshot in Selenium
Capture Full Page Screenshot
Taking a Screenshot of a particular element of the page
Taking a Screenshot with different file formates
Random name generation for screenshots
Finding images count in webpage
Finding broken images count in webpage
Finding broken image URL
Java Script Executor code to verify if image
code to print desired output as per image
Identifying URL
Validating URL
To Finda broken links
HTTP response code
Collect all the links in the web page
Select class in Selenium WebDriver
Different Select commands
Multiple Select commands
DeSelect Commands
Get All options
Dropdown without Select tag
Handling dropdown with values changing its position dynamically
File upload/download
Uploading files in Selenium WebDriver using Send keys
Uploading files in Selenium WebDriver using Robot Class
Uploading files in Selenium WebDriver using Auto IT
Download files in Selenium WebDriver using Send keys
Download files in Selenium WebDriver using Robot Class
Download files in Selenium WebDriver using Auto IT
download and install AutoIT
Finding element through element Identifier
Writing script on AutoIT editor
AutoIT Upload file in Selenium Webdriver
AdvancedUser Interactions API
Get Tooltip Text in Selenium Webdriver
Tooltip using the “title” attribute
Tooltip using a jQuery plugin
Browser Stack
Introduction to Browser Stack
Cross Browser Testing
BrowserStack History
Features of BrowserStack
Testing The Web Application
Browser Stack Key Functions
Testing The Mobile Application In Mobile Browsers
Testing Of Native, HybridMobile Application In BrowserStack
Value Proposition
Manual testing on Sauce labs
Post Execution
Automated Test Execution
saucelabs gem
Execution and Results