The Advanced Web Developer Bootcamp
- Offered byUDEMY
The Advanced Web Developer Bootcamp at UDEMY Overview
Duration | 34 hours |
Total fee | ₹12,800 |
Mode of learning | Online |
Difficulty level | Intermediate |
Credential | Certificate |
The Advanced Web Developer Bootcamp at UDEMY Highlights
- Compatible on Mobile and TV
- Earn a certificate on successful completion
- Get Full Lifetime Access
- Learn from Elie Schoppik
The Advanced Web Developer Bootcamp at UDEMY Course details
- This course is for anyone who wants to continue learning about web development
- It\u2019s fantastic for someone who has the fundamentals down, but wants to explore more advanced concepts and technologies to be successful as a developer
- Make REAL web applications using cutting-edge technologies
- Build responsive applications using modern CSS technologies like flexbox
- Build JSON APIs using Node, Express and MongoDB
- Learn the most popular front end library React and master the fundamentals around state, props and the component lifecycle
- Use babel and webpack to transpile and bundle code
- Understand what the Virtual DOM is and how React performs reconciliation
- Leverage Component Lifecycle methods with React to include making AJAX calls properly
- Secure Node, Express, Mongo and React applications on the front-end and back-end using bcrypt and JSON Web Tokens
- Add routing to a single page application with the most popular routing library for react, React Router.
- Manage State with a centralized store using Redux
- Connect Redux with a React application to build scalable production applications with client-side state management
- Select and manipulate elements in the DOM using D3
- Build dynamic visualizations using D3 and SVG
- Use D3 to build scatterplots, histograms, pie charts and force graphs
- Build compelling map visualizations with GeoJSON and TopoJSON
- Master how to handle asynchronous code using callbacks, promises, generators and async functions
- Understand how JavaScript handles asynchronous code using the Event Loop with the Stack, Heap and Queue.
- Use advanced array methods to build a solid understanding of functional programming
- Create dynamic single page applications using AJAX
- Structure applications with design patterns using closure and modules
- Explain how Object Oriented Programming works with a thorough understanding of the keyword this and the new keyword
- Refactor code using call, apply and bind to remove duplication
- Use jQuery to build single page applications and understand the limitations of just using jQuery
- Create block scope with the let keyword and use the const keyword to prevent variables from being redeclared
- Clean up code using arrow functions and master method binding without using the bind keyword
- Use default parameters, for of loops and the rest and spread operator to write more concise and more maintainable code
- Refactor an ES5 application to use ES2015
- Master the new class syntax and create instance methods, class methods
- Implement inheritance in ES2015 using extends and super
- Leverage newer data structures like Maps and Sets to better solve problems
- Learn cutting edge features to the JavaScript language with ES2016, 2017 as well as experimental JavaScript additions
- Solve problems similar to what you would get in a developer interview or phone screen
- Hi! Welcome to the Advanced Web Developer Bootcamp, the complete course that will help you learn the latest technologies, tools and libraries to become a proficient web developer. Think of this course as an encyclopedia of all the knowledge you need to take your developer skills to the next level. There are quite a few options out there for online training, but we are certain this course is the most comprehensive and frankly the best one out there - here's why: This course is taught by professional bootcamp instructors . The material you're going to learn has been taught to hundreds of students in person and hundreds of thousands online. Everything we'll cover in this course is up-to-date and even anticipates future advancements to prepare you for what is to come. We focus on the most commonly used technologies, libraries and frameworks. This is the only full-stack developer course that covers Advanced CSS, Advanced JavaScript, NodeJS, D3, React and Redux!! We build over 10 projects and have dozens of code challenges with solutions to ensure you understand the material and don't just watch us talk! You get to meet our wonderful course mascot - Whiskey the dog! Throughout the course we cover tons of tools and technologies including: ReactReact-Router Redux CSS3 Transitions, Transforms and AnimationsTesting with JasmineD3SVGBuilding charts, force graphs and data visualizationsES2015 keywords, arrow functions, class syntax, and much moreES2016 and ES2017 and cutting edge features to JavaScriptCallbacks, Promises, Generators and Async FunctionsBuilding Node. Js APIsBuilding Single Page ApplicationsObject Oriented Programming in JavaScriptClosures and the keyword 'this'Functional Programming in JavaScriptAuthentication and AuthorizationAsynchronous Code with JavaScript This course is also unique in the way that it is structured and presented. Many online courses are just a long series of "watch as I code" videos. This course is different. I've incorporated everything I learned in my years of teaching to make this course not only more effective but more engaging. The course includes: Lectures Code-Alongs Projects Exercises and Solutions Research Assignments Slides Downloads Readings If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us. We've all been working in the education industry for the past four years and love working with people and helping students learn. Sign up today and see how fun, exciting, and rewarding web development can be! If you want to take ONE COURSE to learn everything you need to know to be successful as a modern JavaScript web developer, take this course.
The Advanced Web Developer Bootcamp at UDEMY Curriculum
Course Introduction
The Story Of This Course
Curriculum Walkthrough
Learning Paths
Introducing the Team
CSS Animations: Transforms and Transitions
Section Introduction
Introduction To CSS Animations
Why Animations Matter
Intro To Pseudoclasses
Pseudo-Classes: Hover
Pseudo-Classes: Focus
Pseudo-Classes: Active
Quick Pseudoclasses Exercise
Building An Animated Button
Introduction to Transform
Transform: Translate
Transform:Scale() and Transform-Origin
Transform: Rotate()
A Note on Vendor Prefixes
Transitions Basics
Transition-Duration and Transition-Property
Transition-Timing-Function and Transition-Delay
Transition Shorthand
CSS Animation Performance
Building An Animated Gallery
CSS Animations: Keyframes
Introduction to Keyframes
Codealong: Animated Rainbow Flashing Text
Other CSS Animation Properties
Exercise: Rising and Setting Sun Animation
Exercise SOLUTION : Rising and Setting Sun Animation
CSS Animation Shorthand
Building an Animated CSS Loading Icon
Advanced CSS: Layout With Flexbox
Section Introduction
Introduction To Flexbox
The Magic of Display: Flex
Important Flexbox Terminology
Flexbox Sidebar Exercise
Flexbox Sidebar Exercise: SOLUTION
Building A Responsive Navbar CODEALONG
Building a Widget
Exercise: Holy Grail Layout
Exercise: Holy Grail Layout SOLUTION
Flexbox Browser Support
Project: Building A Startup Site
Introducing Matt
Section Introduction
Project: Introduction
Project Solution: Nav and Header
Project Solution: Destinations and Features
Project Solution: Testimonials, Contact, and Footer
Project Solution: Responsive Design
Async Foundations
Introducing Tim
Callback Functions
Codealong: forEach
findIndex Exercise Intro
findIndex Solution
The Stack And The Heap
The Stack: An Example
setTimeout and setInterval
countDown Exercise Solution
The Event Loop And The Queue
Promise Basics
Promise Chaining
AJAX Part 1: XHR and Fetch
Intro to AJAX
What's the deal with JSON and XML?
Making Our First Request with XMLHTTPRequest
AJAX Workflow: Building The Random Image App
Bitcoin Price Exercise
Bitcoin Price Exercise Solution
Fetch Introduction
Fetch Options
Fetch Error Handling
Fetch Random User Profile Exercise
Fetch Random User Profile Exercise Solution
The Problem With Fetch
AJAX Part 2: jQuery and Axios
jQuery AJAX Introduction
jQuery $.ajax Method
Digging In The jQuery Sourcecode
jQuery AJAX Shorthand Methods
jQuery Random Cats API Exercise
jQuery Random Cats Exercise SOLUTION
Axios Intro
Axios Error Handling
Ron Swanson Exercise
Ron Swanson Exercise Solution
Testing With Jasmine
Introducing Elie
Section Introduction
Writing Tests in the Browser
Jasmine Syntax and Matchers
Writing Better tests with Hooks
Different Types of Tests
Advanced Array Methods
Section Introduction
Exercise SOLUTION: forEach
Exercise SOLUTION: Map
Exercise SOLUTION: Filter
Exercise SOLUTION: Some and Every
Reduce Continued
Exercise SOLUTION: Reduce
Array Methods Recap
Closures and the Keyword 'this'
Section Introduction
Introduction to Closures
Using Closures in the Wild
Exercise SOLUTION: Closures
Closures Recap
Introduction to the Keyword 'this'
'this' with Functions and "use strict"
Object/Implicit Binding
Explicit Binding
Bind Continued
Exercise SOLUTIONS: Call, Apply, Bind
The 'new' Keyword and section recap
Object Oriented Programming with JavaScript
Section Introduction
Introduction to Object Oriented Programming with JavaScript
The 'new' Keyword
Refactoring with Multiple Constructors
Constructor Functions Recap
Exercise SOLUTION: Constructor Functions
Introduction to Prototypes
The Prototype Chain
Adding Methods to the Prototype
Exercise SOLUTIONS: Prototypes
Prototypal Inheritance
Exercise SOLUTIONS: Inheritance
Object Oriented Programming Recap
Creating JSON API's With Node and Mongo
Section Introduction
Preparing For React
Defining Our API Gameplan
Installing NodeJS
Cloud9 Without A Credit Card Instructions
Installing Node Locally
Creating Our Initial Express Application
Responding With JSON
Installing Mongo
Defining Our Schema
Defining The Index Route
Defining The Create Route
Defining The Show Route
Defining the Update Route
Defining the Delete Route
Refactoring Our API
Codealong: Single Page Todo List with Express, Mongo, and jQuery
Introducing Our Single Page App
Serving Static Files and Nodemon
Adding jQuery and The Starter CSS
Writing The Initial AJAX Call
Displaying Our Todos Correctly
Connecting the Form to our API
Making the Delete Button Work
Toggling Todo Completion
ES2015 Part I
Section Introduction
Introduction to ES2015
Template Strings
Introduction to Arrow Functions
Arrow Functions Continued
Exercise SOLUTION: Arrow Functions
Default Parameters
For...of Loops
Exercise SOLUTION: Rest and Spread
Object Enhancements
Object Destructuring
Array Destructuring
Exercise SOLUTION: Destructuring
ES2015 Part I Recap
ES2015 Project - Guess the Password
Section Introduction
Introduction to Guess the Password
Guess the Password Code Walkthrough
Guess the Password Refactor
ES2015 Part II
Section Introduction
Introduction to the 'class' Keyword
Instance Methods
Class Methods
Class Solutions
Inheritance with ES2015
Exercise SOLUTION: Inheritance and Super
ES2015 'class' Keyword Recap
Exercise SOLUTION: Maps and Sets
Promises Continued
ES2015 Promises Assignment
Exercise SOLUTION: Promises
Object.assign and Array.from
Additional Helpful ES2015 Methods
Exercise SOLUTION: ES2015 Methods
ES2016 and ES2017
Section Introduction
ES2016 Exponentiation Operator and Includes
PadStart and padEnd
Async Functions Introduction
Async Functions Continued
Coding Exercise - Async Functions Assignment
Exercise SOLUTION: Async Functions
Object Rest and Spread + Recap
D3 and the DOM
Section Introduction
An Introduction to D3
D3 Selections
Selections and Callbacks
Event Listeners in D3
Exercise: Guess the Password Refactor
Solution: Guess the Password Refactor
Exercise: Notes App
Solution: Notes App
Data Joins and Update Patterns in D3
Section Introduction
Basic Data Joins and Enter Selections
Exit Selections and Key Functions
The General Update Pattern in D3
Exercise: Character Frequencies
Solution: Character Frequencies
SVG and D3
Section Introduction
Introduction to SVG
Rectangles, Polygons, and Circles in SVG
Text Elements in SVG
Path Elements in SVG
Exercise: SVG Flags
Solution: SVG Flags
Introduction to SVG and D3
Exercise: Character Frequencies Revisited
Solution: Character Frequencies Revisited
Intermediate D3
Section Introduction
Extrema and Scales
Axes and Gridlines
Exercise: Scatterplot
Solution: Scatterplot
Histograms Continued
Exercise: Histograms
Solution: Histograms
Pie Charts
Pie Charts Continued
Exercise: Pie Charts
Solution: Pie Charts
D3 Odds and Ends, and Advanced Graph Types
Section Introduction
Managing Asynchronous Code with D3
Exercise: D3 Odds and Ends
Solution: D3 Odds and Ends
An Introduction to GeoJSON
An Introduction to TopoJSON
Map Visualization Example
Nodes in Force-Directed Graphs
Links in Force-Directed Graphs
Dragging Nodes and Alpha Values
General Update Pattern with Force-Directed Graphs
Project: Building a Data Dashboard with D3
Project: Introduction and Requirements
Project: Example Solution Part 1
Project: Example Solution Part 2
Introduction To React and JSX
Section Introduction
How To Get Our React Solution Code
Front-end Framework Introduction
First React Component
JSX With JavaScript
Exercise: Random Box
Random Box Assignment Solution
Multiple React Components
Create React App and Props
Create React App
Create React App: Files
JavaScript Import Statements
Import HobbyList Assignment
Import HobbyList Solution
Intro to Props
Recipe App With Props
Recipe App With Props Continued
Default Props and Prop Types
Recipe App Props Exercise
Recipe App Props Solution
Section Introduction
Intro to State
Pure Functions
Update Complex State Exercise
Update Complex State Solution
React Component Architecture
setState Can Be Tricky
React DevTools
Colored Boxes Exercise
Colored Boxes Solution
The Virtual DOM, Events, and Forms
Section Introduction
The Virtual DOM
Todo App Exercise
Todo App Solution
Recipe App With State
Recipe App With State - New Recipe Form
Recipe App With State - Saving The New Recipe
Recipe App With State - Show/Hide Form
Recipe App With State - Delete Recipe
Memory Game
Memory Game Solution Part 1
Memory Game Solution Part 2
Component Lifecycle Methods
Introduction To Component Lifecycle Methods
Component Lifecycle Method Examples
Country Flag Guessing App Exercise
Country Flag Guessing App Solution
Building A Full-Stack App With React
Setting Up Our Express/Mongo API
Creating Our React App
Adding the TodoList Component
Loading Initial Data from API
Creating the TodoItem Component
Adding the TodoForm Component
Deleting Todos
Toggling Todos
Refactoring API Calls with Async Functions
Warbler App Introduction
Nested Resources: Adding Messages
Saving a Message And NodeJS Middleware
Authorization Middleware Solution
Getting All Messages
Signin/Signup Exercise
React Router
Section Introduction
HTML5 History Object
Introduction to React Router
Introduction to React Router Continued
Redux Introduction
Section Introduction
Introduction to Redux Without React
React With Redux
Organizing Redux
Exercise: Redux Refactor
Redux Refactor Solution
Redux Docs Todos Example
Redux Thunk (Middleware)
Warbler Final Project
In Depth Redux Code Walkthrough
Redux Intro
Redux Counter
Redux Todos
Redux React Intro
Redux React Continued
Redux React mapDispatchToProps
React Router Redux
Todos Node Backend
Full Stack Redux
Authentication in a Single Page Application
Authentication in NodeJS
Authentication vs Authorization
Warbler Introduction and Backend Part 1
Warbler Intro
Introduction to Authentication
Getting Started with the Backend
Adding an Error Handler
Adding a User Model
User Middleware
Storing Passwords Properly
Section Review
Warbler Backend Part 2
Adding Signin Functionality
Messages Intro
Creating a message
Adding loginRequired middleware
Adding ensureCorrectUser middleware
Adding additional messages routes
Testing with HTTPie and Review
Warbler Frontend Part 1
Warbler Frontend Introduction
Reducers - errors and currentUser
Warbler Redux Store setup
Adding a Navbar
Styling the Navbar Component
Warbler Main Component
Styling the Homepage Component
Warbler Authform Part 1
Warbler Authform Part 2
Warbler Authform Part 3
Warbler Frontend Section Review
Warbler Frontend Part 2
Handling Error Messages with Redux
Redirecting with React Router and Redux
Logging out a User
Adding a JWT to HTTP Headers
Displaying Messages
Message List Component
Higher Order Components for Authentication
Adding a new Message
Deleting a Message
Displaying the correct Delete Message button
Additional Styling and Section Review
Deploying the Backend
Deploying the Frontend
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