The Python Mega Course: Build 10 Real World Applications 

  • Offered byUDEMY

The Python Mega Course: Build 10 Real World Applications

Master Python through 10 hands-on projects in web development, data analysis, automation, and more with this comprehensive and practical mega course.


33 hours

Total fee


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The Python Mega Course: Build 10 Real World Applications

  • Compatible on Mobile and TV
  • Earn a Cerificate on successful completion
  • Get Full Lifetime Access
  • Learn from Ardit Sulce
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The Python Mega Course: Build 10 Real World Applications
Course details

Who should do this course?
  • Those with no prior knowledge of Python.
  • Those who know Python basics and want to master Python
What are the course deliverables?
  • Go from a total beginner to a confident Python programmer
  • Create 10 real-world Python programs (no toy programs)
  • Solidify your skills with bonus practice activities throughout the course
  • Create an app that translates English words
  • Create a web-mapping app on the browser
  • Create a portfolio website and publish it on a real server
  • Create a desktop app for storing data for books
  • Create a webcam video app that detects moving objects
  • Create a web scraper
  • Create a data visualization app
  • Create a database app
  • Create a geocoding web app
  • Create a website blocker
  • Send automated emails
  • Analyze and visualize data
  • Use Python to schedule programs based on computer events.
  • Learn OOP (Object-Oriented Programming)
  • Learn GUIs (Graphical-User Interfaces)
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More about this course
  • The Python Mega Course: Build 10 Real World Applications is an extensive and hands-on programming course designed to take learners through the journey of mastering Python by building practical, real-world applications.
  • Created for both beginners and intermediate Python developers, this course offers a comprehensive curriculum that covers fundamental concepts and advanced topics while emphasizing practical application.

The Python Mega Course: Build 10 Real World Applications


Course Introduction

How to Contact Your Instructor

Preview of the 10 Apps

The Tools You Need

Installing Python 3 and an IDE (Windows, Mac, and Linux)

The Basics: Small Program

Are you in the 60%?

Your First Python Code

Your First Python Program



The Basics: Data Types

Short Survey


Simple Types: Integers, Strings, and Floats

List Types


Type Attributes

Did You Know?

How to Find Out What Code You Need

Bonus: Steps of Learning Python

Dictionary Types

Did You Know?

Tuple Types

How to Use Datatypes in the Real World?

Did You Know?

Summary: Integers, Floats, Lists, Dictionaries, Tuples, dir, help

The Basics: Operations with Data Types

Python Shell and Terminal Tip

More Operations with Lists

Accessing List Items

Accessing List Slices

Accessing Items and Slices with Negative Indexes

Accessing Characters and Slices in Strings

Accessing Items in Dictionaries

Summary: Positive/Negative Indexes, Slicing

The Basics: Functions and Conditionals

Creating Your Own Functions

Print or Return?

Intro to Conditionals

If Conditional Example

Bonus Code: Using "and" and "or" in a Conditional

Conditional Explained Line by Line

More on Conditionals

Elif Conditionals

White Space

Summary: Functions and Conditionals

The Basics: Processing User Input

User Input

String Formatting

String Formatting with Multiple Variables

Summary: Processing User Input

The Basics: Loops

For Loops: How and Why

For Loop Over a Function

Did You Know?

Looping Through a Dictionary

Bonus Code: Dictionary Loop and String Formatting

While Loops: How and Why

While Loop Example with User Input

While Loops with Break and Continue

Summary: Loops

Putting the Pieces Together: Building a Program

Problem Statement

Approaching the Problem

Building the Maker Function

Constructing the Loop

Making the Output User-Friendly

List Comprehensions

Simple List Comprehension

List Comprehension with If Conditional

List Comprehension with If-Else Conditional

Summary: List Comprehensions

More on Functions

Functions with Multiple Arguments

Did You Know?

Default and Non-default Parameters and Keyword and Non-keyword Arguments

Functions with an Arbitrary Number of Non-keyword Arguments

Functions with an Arbitrary Number of Keyword Arguments

Summary: More on Functions

File Processing

The Concept of Processing Files in Python

Reading Text From a File

File Cursor

Closing a File

Opening Files Using "with"

Different Filepaths

Writing Text to a File

Appending Text to an Existing File

Cursor in Append

Summary: File Processing

Imported Modules

Builtin Modules

Standard Python Modules

Third-Party Modules

Third-Party Module Example

Summary: Imported Modules

Application 1: Build an Interactive English Dictionary


Interactive English Dictionary - How The Output Will Look Like

The Data Source

Loading JSON Data

Returning the Definition of a Word

Taking Into Account Bad Words

Implementing Case Sensitivity

Similarity Ratio Between Two Words

Best Matches out of a List of Words

Recommending the Best Match

Confirmation from the User

Optimizing the Final Output

Version 1.1 (E)

Version 1.1: Code

Version 1.2 (E)

Version 1.2: Code

Project Exercise with Python and MySQL: Interactive English Dictionary

Intro to the App

Making the App

More SQL Statements

Data Analysis with Pandas

What is Pandas?

Installing Pandas

Getting Started with Pandas

Getting Started with Jupyter Notebooks

Loading CSV, Excel, TXT and JSON Files

Loading CSV Files

Exercise: Loading JSON Files


Note on Loading Excel Files

Loading Excel Files

Loading TXT Files

Set Header Row

Set Column Names

Set Index Column

Indexing and Slicing DataFrame Tables

Indexing and Slicing

Deleting Columns and Rows

Deleting Columns and Rows

Updating and Adding new Columns and Rows

Note on Nominatim

Example: Geocoding Addresses with Pandas and Geopy


What is Numpy?

Installing OpenCV

Convert Images to Numpy Arrays

Indexing, Slicing, and Iterating Numpy Arrays

Stacking and Splitting Numpy Arrays

Application 2: Create Webmaps with Python and Folium

Web Map - How The Output Will Look Like

The Basemap


Adding Points

Adding Multiple Points

Adding Points from Files

Popup Windows on Map

HTML on Popups

Color Points

Add and Style Points (Practice)

Tip: Add and Style Points


GeoJson Data

Adding a GeoJson Polygon Layer

Choropleth Map

Layer Control Panel

Fixing Programming Errors

Syntax Errors

Runtime Errors

How to Fix Difficult Errors

Good Programming Questions

Error Handling

Application 3: Build a Website Blocker

Website Blocker - How The Output Will Look Like

Application Architecture

Setting up the Script

Setting up the Infinite Loop

Implementing the First Part

Implementing the Second Part

The any() function

Scheduling the Python Program on Windows

Scheduling the Python Program on Mac and Linux

Scheduling a Python Program on a Server

Application 4: Build a Personal Website with Python and Flask

Personal Website - How The Output Will Look Like

Your First Website

HTML Templates

Navigation Menu

Note on Browser Caching

CSS Styling

Creating a Python Virtual Environment

How to Install Git

Deploying the Website to a Live Server

Maintaining the Live Website



Graphical User Interfaces with Tkinter

Introduction to Tkinter

Setting up a GUI with Widgets

Connecting GUI Widgets with Callback Functions

Create a Multi-widget GUI (Practice)


Interacting with Databases

Introduction to "Python with Databases"

Connecting and Inserting Data to SQLite via Python

Selecting, Inserting, Deleting, and Updating SQLite Records

Introduction to PostgreSQL Psycopg2

Selecting, Inserting, Deleting, and Updating PostgreSQL Records

Querying data from a MySQL database

Application 5: Build a Desktop Database Application

Desktop Database App - How The Output Will Look Like

User Interface Design

Frontend Interface


Connecting the Frontend to the Backend, Part 1

Connecting the Frontend to the Backend, Part 2

Fixing the Bug (Practice)


Creating a Standalone Executable Version of the Program

Object Oriented Programming

Object Oriented Programming Explained

Turning this Application into OOP Style, Part 1

Turning this Application into OOP Style, Part 2

Creating a Bank Account Object


OOP Glossary

GUI in OOP Design (Practice)


Python for Image and Video Processing with OpenCV


Installing the Library

Loading, Displaying, Resizing, and Writing Images

Batch Image Resizing (Practice)


Solution with Explanations

Face Detection

Capturing Video

Application 6: Build a Webcam Motion Detector

Webcam Motion Detector - How The Output Will Look Like

Detecting Webcam Objects

Capturing Motion Time

Interactive Data Visualization with Bokeh

Introduction to Bokeh

Installing Bokeh

Your First Bokeh Plot

Plotting Triangles and Circle Glyphs (Practice)


Using Bokeh with Pandas

Plotting Education Data (Practice)


Note on Loading Excel Files

Plot Properties

Plotting Weather Data (Practice)


Visual Attributes

Time-series Plots

More Visualization Examples with Bokeh

Plotting Time Intervals of the Motion Detector

Hover Tool Implementation

Webscraping with Python Beautiful Soup

Section Introduction

The Concept Behind Webscraping

Request Headers

Webscraping Example

Application 7: Scrape Real Estate Property Data from the Web

Scraped Website Data - How The Output Will Look Like

Request Headers

Loading the Webpage in Python

Extracting "div" Tags

Extracting Addresses and Property Details

Extracting Elements without Unique Identifiers

Saving the Extracted Data in CSV Files

Crawling Through Webpages

Application 8: Build a Web-based Financial Graph

Web-based Financial Graph - How The Output Will Look Like


Downloading Datasets with Python

Stock Market Data

Stock Market Data Candlestick Charts

Candlestick Charts with Bokeh Quadrants

Candlestick Charts with Bokeh Rectangles

Candlestick Segments

Stylizing the Chart

The Concept Behind Embedding Bokeh Charts in a Flask Webpage


Embedding the Bokeh Chart in a Webpage

Deploying the Chart Website to a Live Server

Application 9: Build a Data Collector Web App with PostGreSQL and Flask

Data Collector Web App - How The Output Will Look Like

PostGreSQL Database Web App with Flask: Steps

Frontend: HTML Part

Frontend: CSS Part

Backend: Getting User Input

Backend: The PostGreSQL Database Model

Backend: Storing User Data to the Database

Backend: Emailing Database Values Back to the User

Backend: Sending Statistics to Users

Deploying the Web Application to a Live Server

Bonus Lecture: Implementing Download and Upload in your Web App

Application 10: Project Exercise on Building a Geocoder Web Service

Student Project - How The Output Should Look Like

Solution, Part 1

Solution, Part 2

End of the Course

Legacy Exercises


Introduction Video


Your First Tiny Python Program

The Command Line

The Python Shell

Your Second Tiny Python Program




Programming Tip

Math Operators

Built-in Functions


List Indexing and Slicing

List Slicing Examples



More Operations with Dictionaries

User Input


Conditionals with Multiple Conditions

Custom Functions

Custom Functions: Example

Custom Functions: Return vs Print

Custom Functions with Conditionals

Calculate Length (Practice)


Short Survey

Custom Functions with Multiple Parameters

Custom Functions with Default Parameters

Weather Function (Practice)


Functions and if-else (Practice)


Functions and if-elif-else (Practice)


Opening Files in Python

Working with File Paths

Processing File Content

Reading Files (Practice)


For Loops

For Loops (Practice)


For Loop with Conditional Block (Practice)


File Content Length (Practice)


Functions, Conditionals, and Loops (Practice)


Writing Text to a File

Appending Text to a File

Reading and Appending Text to a File

Write Multiple Lines in a Text File (Practice)

Tip: Writing Multiple Lines in a Text File


Section Introduction

Setting Up

While Loop

While Loop with Password Checker

String Formatting

Modules, Libraries, and Packages

Installing Python Libraries

Dates and Times

Datetime Formatting Codes

Looping Multiple Sequences

The "with" Context Manager

Files, Loops, Functions, and Conditionals (Practice)


Merging Text Files (Practice)

Tips: Merging Text Files


Offers for my Other Python Courses

Bonus Lecture

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The Python Mega Course: Build 10 Real World Applications
Students Ratings & Reviews

Verified Icon7 Ratings
The Python Mega Course: Build 10 Real World Applications
Offered by UDEMY
Learning Experience: Begging I don't have any topic about python, after the Udemy course I learn lot skills Nd now I can easily build my own application in python app.
Faculty: Ardit he is super cool, his explanation was very clear. To create our website
Course Support: I share my resume, so it's takes huge responsibility.
Reviewed on 5 Aug 2022Read More
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Boopathi M
The Python Mega Course: Build 10 Real World Applications
Offered by UDEMY
Other: It is a better way of learning and the course is really worth for that money and i didn\'t expect the outcome of the course is wonder and regular practice makes a man perfect......continuos practice make more effective
Reviewed on 29 Aug 2021Read More
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Ashish Verma
The Python Mega Course: Build 10 Real World Applications
Offered by UDEMY
Other: great learning experience concepts were explained in details with practical examples and course was always kept interesting
Reviewed on 29 Aug 2021Read More
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Rohit Shukla
The Python Mega Course: Build 10 Real World Applications
Offered by UDEMY
Other: Very thorough and well planned course. Helped me write my first ever usable program after years of trying and failing.
Reviewed on 16 Dec 2020Read More
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The Python Mega Course: Build 10 Real World Applications
Offered by UDEMY
Other: This was a fantastic course. I learnt so much about working with Python in real time. Great instructors. Gem of a course. Highly recommended.
Reviewed on 15 Oct 2020Read More
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The Python Mega Course: Build 10 Real World Applications

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