Unreal VR Dev: Make VR Experiences with Unreal Engine in C++ 

  • Offered byUDEMY

Unreal VR Dev: Make VR Experiences with Unreal Engine in C++


17 hours

Total fee


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Unreal VR Dev: Make VR Experiences with Unreal Engine in C++

  • 17 hours of video content
  • Earn a certificate upon successful completion
  • Gain Lifetime Access to Courseware
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Unreal VR Dev: Make VR Experiences with Unreal Engine in C++
Course details

Skills you will learn
Who should do this course?
  • Beginner to intermediate UE4 developers looking for a fun way to enhance their skills.
  • Advanced UE4 Developers wanting to understand the unique challenges of VR.
  • Oculus Rift or HTC Vive owners wanting to create their own experiences.
What are the course deliverables?
  • Understand and explain the unique challenges presented by VR hardware such as motion sickness.
  • Recreate the most common mechanisms of VR games such as teleportation, spatial UI and object interaction.
  • Compare solutions to VR challenges and assess which perform best in a given context.
  • Choose the most appropriate mechanisms for their own games and projects.
More about this course
  • Learn to build beautiful Virtual Reality experiences. This course, created in collaboration with Epic Games, teaches you everything you need to know to build your very own VR apps and games in the world class Unreal Engine.
  • Unreal is a massively powerful game engine that puts performance and graphics first. It includes industry-grade VR tools that power some of the best high-end experiences on the market such as Robo Recall. That's why Unreal is the perfect tool to create your own VR experiences.
  • Virtual Reality is being used to develop apps and experiences for a broad range of industries beyond games. You can do Architectural Visualisation by walking around a building before it is built. You can sketch and sculpt car designs directly in 3D without a modeller. And of, course, you can play games in a completely different way.
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Unreal VR Dev: Make VR Experiences with Unreal Engine in C++

Architecture Explorer

Course Promo

Welcome And Course Orientation

Getting Into VR

Movement Section Overview

Basic Controller Movement

Importing An ArchViz Environment

Playspace Movement and Colliders

What Is VR Sickness?

Line Tracing A Teleport Destination

Importing And Using Materials

Fades, Timers and Teleporting

Projecting Onto The NavMesh

PostProcessing Materials

Dynamic Material Instances

Adjusting Radius With A Curve

Creating Tunnel Vision

Hand Controller Components

Parabolic Teleport Pointer

Using A USplineComponent

Dynamically Constructing UObjects

Deforming Meshes With Splines

Extracting A Hand Controller Actor

Querying Overlapping Actors

Haptic Feedback Effects

Climbing Motion

Climbing Motion Part 2

End Of Section Review

Light Painter

User Interface Section Introduction

Creating A VR Pawn Setup

Binding Actions To Motion Controllers

3D Painting With Spline Meshes

Performance Bottlenecks

Performance Optimisation

Reducing DrawCalls With Instancing

Rotating & Scaling Stroke Meshes

Instanced Mesh Materials

Saving Game State

Loading A SaveGame

Serialising The Game State

Serialising Actors To Structs

Renaming C++ Base Classes

Introduction To Vector Design

Understanding Good VR Design

Designing User Interface For VR

Ergonomic 3D UI Layout In Unreal

UI Widget Interaction In 3D

Converting A Design To UMG - Part 1

Converting A Design To UMG - Part 2

Converting A Design To UMG - Part 3


Spawning Widgets In C++

Converting PaintingPicker to C++

Naming Each Slot Uniquely

Iterating Over All SaveGames

Populating The Game List UI

Binding Text Widgets To C++

Setting TextBlock Content From C++

Button Actions And Splash Screens

Parsing Level Options In GameMode

Loading Save Games In GameMode

Handling Saving In GameMode

Initialize - BeginPlay For Widgets

Hooking Up The Add Functionality

Clearing Children of UPanelWidget

Connecting a LeftHandController

Adding Menus To Hand Controllers

Overriding a Scene Component

Refactoring SaveAndQuit

Create a Pagination Dot Widget

Spawning a Pagination Dot

Editing UPanelSlot in C++

Transparent Widgets In The World

Calculating Number Of Pages

Mid-section Quiz

Refreshing The Pagination State

Latching an Analogue Input

Moving Between Pages

Updating The Pages

How To Become A VR Master

End of Section Quiz

Self Assessment and Next Steps

Unreal VR Dev: Make VR Experiences with Unreal Engine in C++
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Unreal VR Dev: Make VR Experiences with Unreal Engine in C++

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