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Web Developer Foundation Certification 

  • Offered byIntellipaat

Web Developer Foundation Certification


33 hours

Total fee


Mode of learning




Web Developer Foundation Certification

  • Earn a certificate of completion
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Web Developer Foundation Certification
Course details

Who should do this course?
  • For Anyone with a passion for Web Development
  • For Front-end or Back-end Engineers
  • For Systems Admins
  • For IT professionals
  • For Project Managers
  • For Product Managers
What are the course deliverables?
  • Fundamentals of HTML
  • Interactivity using JavaScript
  • Node.js
  • HTTP servers
  • Rest API
  • HTTP services
  • CSS fundamentals
More about this course
  • Web Developer training course that is designed by industry experts to help learner with in-depth training in HTML, JavaScript, database management, etc. to become a certified Web Developer
  • Through Web Developer certification classes, learner will be able to establish as an expert in the domain with proficiency in HTML DOM manipulation, APIs, MongoDB, full-stack applications, and other advanced modules

Web Developer Foundation Certification

Module 1 - Introduction to the Internet and Web

1.1 Prerequisites of HTML

1.2 Basic components of a web page

1.3 Web hosting and the types of web hosting services

1.4 Types of networks

Module 2 - Fundamentals of HTML

2.1 Document Object Model (DOM) in HTML

2.2 Head, title, metadata, and different types of semantic tags in HTML

2.3 Different types of multimedia tags in HTML

2.4 Types of embedding tags in HTML

2.5 The link creation tag in HTML

2.6 HTML tags for gathering inputs from clients

2.7 FTP applications

2.8 Developing multiple HTML files using standard semantic tags

2.9 Registration of the website name

2.10 An overview of the website control panel

2.11 Hosting a website using cPanel

Module 3 - Fundamentals of CSS

3.1 Handling different text directions using CSS

3.2 Styling web pages using inline CSS elements and external CSS style sheets

3.3 CSS values and units for different HTML elements

3.4 Types of attribute selectors in CSS

3.5 Class selector in CSS

3.6 ID selector in CSS

3.7 Universal selector in CSS

3.8 CSS combinators

3.9 Descendant selector in CSS

3.10 Child selector in CSS

3.11 General sibling selector

3.12 Adjacent sibling selector

3.13 Pseudo and pseudo-elements in CSS

3.14 CSS box-sizing property

3.15 Styling borders and backgrounds using CSS

3.16 Handling images and forms using CSS

3.17 Styling table elements using CSS

Module 4 - Interactivity Using JavaScript

4.1 Static web pages vs dynamic web pages

4.2 Embedding JavaScript in HTML files

4.3 Basics of object-oriented programming

4.4 JavaScript language and syntax

4.5 Data types in JavaScript

4.6 Variables in JavaScript

4.7 Operators in JavaScript

4.8 Loops in JavaScript

4.9 Functions in JavaScript

4.10 Classes and objects in JavaScript

4.11 Events handling in JavaScript

4.12 Alerts, pop-ups, and inputs using JavaScript

4.13 Debugging JavaScript using browser-based tools

Module 5 - Database Management

5.1 SQL vs NoSQL

5.2 Acid properties in DBMS

5.3 Structured Query Language (SQL)

5.4 Architecture of a DBMS

5.5 Database data schemas

5.6 Database normalization

5.7 Database storage systems

5.8 Database file structure

5.9 Database indexing

5.10 Database backup and recovery

5.11 Querying data using SQL/NoSQL

5.12 Storing, editing, and deleting data on a DBMS

5.13 The UPDATE statement in SQL

Module 6 - Server-side Website Programming

6.1 What is Node.js?

6.2 Why Node.js?

6.3 Installing Node.js

6.4 Running a simple NodeJ.js script

6.5 Node modules/packages

6.6 Built-in packages

6.7 Creating your own module

6.8 Importing your own module

6.9 Creating and using a node module

6.10 What is NPM?

6.11 Dependencies

6.12 Types of dependencies

6.13 Local and global packages

6.14 Finding and installing an NPM package locally

6.15 Installing a node module globally and using it

Module 7 - HTTP Servers

7.1 What is HTTP?

7.2 HTTP headers

7.3 HTTP response status codes

7.4 HTTP response classes

7.5 Node HTTP module

7.6 Demo: Creating an HTTP server in Node

7.7 HTTP form data

7.8 HTTP form data request type

7.9 Demo: Processing form data

7.10 Query strings

7.11 Query string module

7.12 Query string methods

7.13 Demo: Encoding a query string

7.14 Demo: Decoding a query string

Module 8 - API (Application Programming Interface)

8.1 What is REST API?

8.2 Why REST API?

8.3 Data exchange formats

8.4 JSON vs XML

8.5 Application architecture

8.6 Monolith architecture

8.7 Why monolith architecture?

8.8 Microservice architecture

8.9 Why microservice architecture?

Module 9 - Full-Stack Application and the Types of Application Development Stacks

9.1 Creating full-stack applications like Netflix

9.2 Deploying Netflix application in AWS

9.3 Types of application development stacks

Module 10 - Back-end Web Development Frameworks

10.1 What is Express.js?

10.2 Why Express.js?

10.3 Installing Express.js

10.4 Express.js components

10.5 HTTP routing in Express.js

10.6 HTTP request methods

10.7 Templating

10.8 Templating engines

Module 11 - Requesting and Querying Data from DBMS


11.1 What is MongoDB?

11.2 Why MongoDB?

11.3 Installing MongoDB

11.4 Documents

11.5 Collections

11.6 MongoDB data types

11.7 Using MongoDB with Express.js

11.8 Native MongoDB driver

11.9 Why use native MongoDB driver?

11.10 Mongoose

11.11 Why use Mongoose?

Module 12 - Hands-on Exercises

12.1 Uploading files using FTP applications

12.2 HTML DOM manipulation

12.3 Browser DOM manipulation

12.4 Changing the color button on click

12.5 Installing Node.js

12.6 Running a simple Node.js script

12.7 Creating, exporting, and importing a Node module

12.8 Finding and installing an NPM package locally

12.9 Installing a Node module globally and using it

12.10 Creating an HTTP server

12.11 Processing form data

12.12 Encoding a query string

12.13 Decoding a query string

12.14 Monolith architecture

12.15 Microservice architecture

12.16 Installing Express.js in a project

12.17 A simple app

12.18 Handling multiple routes in Express.js

12.19 Templating using EJS

12.20 Installing MongoDB

12.21 CRUD operations

12.22 Using MongoDB native driver

12.23 Using Mongoose driver

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Web Developer Foundation Certification

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