Webservices API Testing using Rest Assured API & POSTMAN
- Offered byUDEMY
Webservices API Testing using Rest Assured API & POSTMAN at UDEMY Overview
Duration | 37 hours |
Total fee | ₹499 |
Mode of learning | Online |
Difficulty level | Intermediate |
Official Website | Go to Website |
Credential | Certificate |
Webservices API Testing using Rest Assured API & POSTMAN at UDEMY Highlights
- Compatible on Mobile and TV
- Earn a Cerificate on successful completion
- Get Full Lifetime Access
- Course Instructor: Rahul Arora
Webservices API Testing using Rest Assured API & POSTMAN at UDEMY Course details
- Manual Testers
- Automation Testers
- Team Leads
- Developers
- DevOps
- *****In-Depth knowledge of POSTMAN Tool and REST ASSURED API*****
- *****Rest Assured API Automation with detailed framework designing on a Live project*****
- *****Everything about Webservices API Manual and Automation Testing*****
- *****Various tools integration like Maven, Jenkins, ExtentReports, Log4j, TestNG and many more*****
- *****Many Live APIs used for Practice purpose*****
- Webservices API Automation Testing using Rest Assured API and POSTMAN - Biggest course to cover all levels of API Testing using both Manual and Automation approaches on Live projects. API Testing is very much in demand these days and people who are already familiar with the UI testing part should approach for API Testing as these days 90% of the Applications Web Based, Mobile Based, Database communicates with each other with APIs only i. E. REST and SOAP . REST being the light weight API 95% of the Industry works on RESTFul webservices. Big clients like Amazon, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google, Expedia etc their different apps communicates through RESTFul webservices itself. If you are already familiar with Selenium then the combination of Selenium + API Testing is a boom in the Industry. Every next Automation opening in Industry around the globe has a requirement of good knowledge on Selenium + API Testing and not just the Manual part, companies they look for indepth understanding of API Automation which can be used in the same Automation framework designed to handle the UI, Database and the Mobile part. Using Rest Assured API we will look at in-depth framework designing on Webservices automation testing part which will include the most popular Cucumber BDD approach as well Detailed topics covered: API Testing basics Difference in SOAP and REST and which one to use Tools available for testing Webservices POSTMAN in Depth REST API Method - GET, POST, PUT, DELETE etc RestAssured API and building frameworks Handling OAUTH Authentication JSON & XML Introduction to Jackson Library TestNG Jenkins Maven Reporting Extent Report Parallel Execution Git/GitHub Data Driven Cucumber BDD Many Live APIs used
Webservices API Testing using Rest Assured API & POSTMAN at UDEMY Curriculum
Introduction to Webservices (REST & SOAP APIs)
Introduction to the Course
Detailed topics covered in the course
What is a Webservice?
SOAP vs REST in Detail
CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) Operations
Understanding available HTTP Methods for CRUD Operations
Why API Testing is Important?
Six Principles / Constraints of a RestFul Webservices
Webservices Introduction PDF file
API Interview questions
Installing POSTMAN and Walkthrough with the tool
Creating the First Collection for API Request
Sending the First API Request
Understanding the request URI
Request Data tabs
Download the Practice API and Build it live on your machine
Sending GET and POST Request
Creating Environment and Variables
Collection Runner
PUT and PATCH Request
HEAD Request
Adding Header Presets
Download the POSTMAN Collections from previous and upcoming lectures
Writing POSTMAN Testscripts
Creating the very first test case
Adding Assertions and validating response fields
Sharing the collections
Parameterization - Creating a DataDriven Testing and Reading CSV Files
Understanding the API Documentation
Creating a Customer using Basic Authentication
List All Users
Passing Authentication token in Headers
Understanding the JSON Architecture
RestAssured API Introduction and Pre-requisite
RestAssured API Introduction and Pre-requisite
Download and Configure Java (JDK) on Windows
Download and Configure Eclipse IDE on Windows
Download and Configure Java (JDK) on MAC OSX
Download and Configure Eclipse IDE on MAC
CORE JAVA in Depth for Manual Testers and Beginners (OPTIONAL)
Introduction to Core Java
Download ALL Java PDF Lectures
Classes and Objects
Basic Java programming and features - Part 1
Basic Java programming and features - Part 2
Java Methods - Part 1
Java Methods - Part 2
Java Methods - Part 3
Java Methods Part 4
Java Methods Part 5 - PreDefined Methods and Math.Random()
Java Methods Part 6 - Static and Non Static Methods
IF and Else Statements
Code and PPTs for Download from Methods and IFandElse
Loops - While Loop
Loops - Do While Loop
Loops - For Loop
Loops - Nested Loops
Loops - Break and Continue statements
Download the Loops code and PPT files
Exception Handling - Part 1
Exception Handling - Part 2
Packages and Access Modifiers
OOPS - Encapsulation
OOPS - Inheritance
OOPS - Polymorphism - OverLoading
OOPS - Polymorphism - Overriding
OOPS - Polymorphism - Overriding benefits and drawbacks
OOPS - Abstract classes
OOPS - Interfaces
Reading Properties files
Java Streams - Writing in TXT and CSV files
Java Stream - Writing HTML Files and Reading files
Java Stream - Apache POI Creating and Writing Excel Files
Java Stream - Apache POI Reading Excel Files, Extended Loops
POI Latest ExcelReader file and Dependencies
Reading Notepad file
Collections - Wrapper Classes, Autoboxing and Unboxing
Collections - ArrayList
Collections - HashSet
Collections - HashMap
Reflection API
Code from Access Modifiers, OOPS, Collection API, Reflection API lectures
Difference between == & equal to operator and Singleton design pattern
ExcelReader Utility - APACHE POI 4.1.0
Apache Log4J API - Console & File Appenders
Apache Log4J API - SMTPAppender
Apache Log4J API HTMLAppender
Getting started with Rest Assured API
Library and Static Imports
Installing Maven on Windows
Installing Maven on MAC OSX
Adding Rest Assured Dependencies and Getting started with the first API Request
Sending the GET Request with Basic AUTH and Parameters
Sending the GET Request with Headers for Single user
Sending the POST Request through Form Parameters
Sending the POST Request through JSON String Data
Sending the POST Request through external JSON File
Creating complex JSON on Runtime using HashMap
Creating complex JSON on Runtime using JSON API
Creating complex JSON on Runtime using POJO Classes
Code from Above Lectures
JSONPATH - Validating JSON Response through JSONPath
TESTNG FRAMEWORK (Skip if you are already familiar with TESTNG Framework)
TestNG - Introduction and Configuration
TestNG - Creating the first test case
Adding Assertions and Reporting Failures
SoftAssertions and Reporting Multiple failures
Creating Test Dependencies
Creating Test Suite
Managing Multiple Test Suites
Test Groups
Forcefully Skipping a Test Case
Adding Before and After Suite annotations
Generating and Customising TestNG Reports
Parameterization with Excel Reading
Parameterization Excel Reading with Hashtable
Handling Multiple Data Providers
Reading Parameters from TestNG.xml file
Running Parallel Test using TestNG.xml file
Running Parallel Test using DataProvider
Download code from Above Lectures
Configuring Latest Extent Reports Step by Step
Generating extent reports through Customized Listeners
RESTASSURED FRAMEWORK - Designing Architecture, Test Cases, Extent Reporting etc
Getting started with Basic framework setup
Optimizing the code and Implementing Properties file
Adding Test Data and Parameterizing the test through DataProvider
Optimizing DataProvider and creating common dataprovider for all test cases
Integrating ExcelReading and Creating Test Data
Complex Parameterization with HashTable
Optimizing DataProvider and Test Data with HashTable
Separating Business specifications from the Test case
Integrating Extent Reports
Adding more APIs and running Parallel test for 100+ records
Adding validation to the Test and Creating common utilities
Customizing Extent Reports for Failure and Info logs
Building the Project through Maven
Configuring Jenkins
Adding the Build to Jenkins UI
Pushing the project to GitHUB
Continuous Integration through Jenkins and GitHUB
JavaMail API for mailing Automated test results
Oauth2.0 using PayPal API - POSTMAN
Oauth2.0 using PayPal API - Rest Assured
Creating POJO classes for PayPal request
Converting JSON to POJO Online editor
Adding the PayPal API to the framework
Framework code from Above lectures
Cucumber BDD Basics
Cucumber BDD Basics required for API Automation
Cucumber Basics - Introduction to Cucumber BDD
Cucumber Basics - Getting started with Cucumber Adding jars
Updating from Cucumber 1.2 to the Latest Cucumber 4.8 (Cucumber.io) Project
Cucumber Basics - Adding Eclipse Cucumber Plugin
Cucumber Basics - Creating a Feature File
Cucumber Basics - Creating Step definition and runner files
Cucumber Basics - Adding Multiple scenarios in a Feature
Cucumber Basics - Adding Parameterization
Cucumber Basics - Creating Multiple Features and Step files
Cucumber Basics - Adding List and Datatables
Cucumber Basics - Adding Background
Cucumber Options - Features, Glue and Monochrome
Cucumber Options - Adding Tags
Cucumber Options - Adding Hooks
Cucumber Options - Adding tagged Hooks
Cucumber Options - Pretty Format Feature
Cucumber TestNG - Adding TestNG Runner
Cucumber Reporting - Generating Cucumber Reports
Introduction to GitHub - remote repository
Installing Git on Windows
Basic Git Commands
GitHub Part 1
GitHub Part 2
Latest Cucumber 4 Framework with PayPal API and Extent Reports version 4
Designing Architecture
Designing the Base class
Creating Feature file and step definition
Creating the Runner and running the first cucumber test
Generating Latest Extent Reports
Adding the second feature
Download the Code
Framework - Integrating Cucumber with Rest Assured (From Online Live Session)
Cucumber BDD Basics
Integrating Cucumber BDD with Rest Assured API
Completing the Cucumber BDD framework and SOAP UI Basics
Code from the Cucumber Framework
Download the Complete Framework code