ACCA - Certificate in Business Valuation (CERTBV)
- Offered byinformaconnect
ACCA - Certificate in Business Valuation (CERTBV) at informaconnect Overview
ACCA - Certificate in Business Valuation (CERTBV)
at informaconnect
Gain a comprehensive overview of Business Valuation
Duration | 3 days |
Mode of learning | Online |
Difficulty level | Advanced |
Official Website | Go to Website |
Credential | Certificate |
ACCA - Certificate in Business Valuation (CERTBV) at informaconnect Highlights
ACCA - Certificate in Business Valuation (CERTBV)
at informaconnect
- Earn a certificate after completion of the course
ACCA - Certificate in Business Valuation (CERTBV) at informaconnect Course details
ACCA - Certificate in Business Valuation (CERTBV)
at informaconnect
Skills you will learn
Who should do this course?
- Are new to business valuations or are planning to work in the field
- Are currently working in the field and want to further their understanding
- Are seeking a top-up to an existing professional accountancy qualification
More about this course
- This course will enhance the knowledge about Business Valuation
- And also it will help in aspirants respective career fields
ACCA - Certificate in Business Valuation (CERTBV) at informaconnect Curriculum
ACCA - Certificate in Business Valuation (CERTBV)
at informaconnect
Understand the different contexts of business valuation, and the considerations which need to be made before undertaking a valuation
Select the appropriate method of business valuation for any given situation
Practice how to successfully apply business valuation techniques in a practical context
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ACCA - Certificate in Business Valuation (CERTBV)
at informaconnect
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