Accounting for Decision Making
- Offered byCoursera
Accounting for Decision Making at Coursera Overview
Duration | 29 hours |
Total fee | Free |
Mode of learning | Online |
Difficulty level | Intermediate |
Official Website | Explore Free Course |
Credential | Certificate |
Accounting for Decision Making at Coursera Course details
- Through this course, you will start by addressing the two 'big questions' of accounting: 'What do I have?' and -How did I do over time?
- You will see how the two key financial statements-the balance sheet and the income statement - are designed to answer these questions and then move on to consider how individual transactions aggregate to make up these financial statements. After developing a broad understanding of accounting and financial statements, you will begin to develop a more nuanced understanding of individual components of doing business, such as making a sale or building inventory. By considering many of the more common actions of a company, you will build your understanding of accounting, and explore these concepts by applying them across various types of transactions. Once you understand these individual concepts better, you will be ready to return to the overall financial statements and use them as informational tools, including building ratios.
- You can do this course standalone or to qualify for the residential component of the Finance for Strategic Decision-Making Executive Education program. For more information, see the FAQ below.
Accounting for Decision Making at Coursera Curriculum
Why Do We Have Accounting and How Can You Make it Work for You?
Why Do We Have Accounting?
What is Accrual Accounting?
What is a Balance Sheet?
What is an Income Statement?
Comparing the Two Statements
Transactions to Financial Statements
Journal Entries
Using T-Accounts for Account Analysis
The Structure of the Course
The Syllabus
Help us learn more about you!
Introduction and Overview of Lesson One
Introduction and Overview of Lesson Two
Notice for Auditing Learners: Assignment Submission
Transactions for quiz
Overview Material
Transactions and Journal Entries
T-Accounts and Other Ways to Post
Module One Test
The Accounting Cycle and Bookkeeping: Foundational Tools for a Deeper Understanding
An Overview of the Accounting Cycle
Comprehensive Example Set Up
Recording Externally Prompted Transactions
Recording Adjusting Journal Entries
Recording Closing Journal Entries
Making an Income Statement
Making a Balance Sheet
Introduction and Overview of Lesson Three
Introduction and Overview of Lesson Four
Introduction and Overview of Lesson Five
Introduction and Overview of Lesson Six
Instructions for Quiz
Transactions to be Used for the Quiz
Quiz on Introduction to the Accounting Cycle
Transaction Entries
Adjusting and Closing Journal Entries
Quiz Financial Statements
Accounting Cycle Comprehensive Quiz
Revenue, Accounts Receivable, Inventory and Cost of Goods Sold
The Economics of Value Creation
Accounting Guidance on Revenue Recognition
Bookkeeping for Revenue Recognition
Accounting for the Allowance for Doubtful Accounts and the Bad Debt Expense
What goes into Inventory and Cost of Goods Sold
Which One Did We Sell? Inventory Cost Flow Assumptions
Bookkeeping for Inventory Transactions
Introduction and Overview of Lesson Seven
Introduction and Overview of Lesson Eight
Allowance for Doubtful Accounts
Inventory and Cost of Goods Sold
Module Three Test
Long-Lived Assets
How Do We Think About Long Lived Assets?
Basic Bookkeeping for Depreciation
Changing Depreciation Estimates
Selling an Asset
When an Asset is used to make another Asset
How Do We Think About Non-Physical Assets?
Bookkeeping for Amortization and Intangibles
What is Goodwill?
Calculating Goodwill
Asset Impairments
Introduction and Overview of Lesson Nine
Introduction and Overview of Lesson Ten
Introduction and Overview of Lesson Eleven
Introduction and Overview for Lesson Twelve
Introduction and Overview of Lesson Thteen
Basics of Depreciation
More Advanced Depreciation Topics
Intangible Assets
Quiz for Long Lived Assets
Liabilities and Stockholders Equity
An Overview of Liabilities
Deferred Revenue
What is a Contingent Liability?
Bookkeeping for Contingent Liabilities
The Economics of Interacting with Owners
Basic Bookkeeping for Equity
Treasury Stock
Introduction and Overview Lesson Fourteen
Introduction and Overview Lesson Fifteen
Introduction and Overview Lesson Sixteen
Introduction and Overview for Lesson Seventeen
Basic Liabilities, including Deferred Revenue
Contingent Liabilities
Basic Equity Transactions
Treasury Stock
Liabilities and Stockholders Equity
Cash Flow Statements
Why Do We Have Cash Flow Statements?
Putting Cash into Categories
Direct Cash Flow Example
What is an Indirect Cash Flow Statement
Indirect Cash Flow Example
Changes in Working Capital
Indirect with Changes in Working Capital Example
Introduction and Overview of Lesson Eighteen
Introduction and Overview of Lesson Nineteen
Introduction and Overview Lesson Twenty
Introduction to Cash Flows and Direct Cash Flow Statements
Indirect Cash Flow Statements
Changes in Working Capital Approach
Cash Flow Statements
Ratios and Course End Assessment
What is a Ratio?
Warnings About Ratios
Build Your Own Ratios
Stock Over Stock
Flow Over Flow
Stock and Flow Ratios
Greg Miller and Gautam Kaul
Introduction and Overview of Session Twenty One
Introduction and Overview of Lesson Twenty Two
Comprehensive Evaluation
Go further
Post-Course Survey
Keep Learning with Michigan Online
Introduction to Ratios
Build Your Own Ratios
Cumulative Final Exam