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API Testing Foundations 

  • Offered byLinkedin Learning

API Testing Foundations
Linkedin Learning 

Gain a comprehensive overview of the API Testing principles and concepts


2 hours

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API Testing Foundations
Linkedin Learning 

  • Earn a certificate of completion from LinkedIn Learning
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API Testing Foundations
Linkedin Learning 
Course details

Skills you will learn
More about this course
  • In this course, instructor Dave Westerveld covers the basics of API testing, sharing how to work with several robust tools for testing APIs at scale in an organization
  • After providing a primer on web services and important API terminology, Dave shows how to use Postman for some basic API exploration
  • He then goes over some basic approaches and methodologies used in testing GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE requests; shows how to approach performance testing using SoapUI, a popular automated API testing tool; and more

API Testing Foundations
Linkedin Learning 


Stand out as an API tester

Understanding Web Services and APIs

Introduction to web services

Understanding API terminology

Types of APIs

Exercise: Map your app

Risks of using services and APIs

Getting Started with API Testing

Your first tool: Postman

Install and setup of API challenges

Exploring an API

Challenge: Map the API

Solution: Map the API

API Authorization

Overview of authorization and authentication

Using OAuth tokens

Finding and using bearer tokens

Additional API authentication options

Hands-on API Testing

Testing GET calls

Challenge: Find the secret

Solution: Find the secret

Testing POST calls

Testing PUT calls

Testing DELETE calls

Challenge: Find the 500

Solution: Find the 500

Additional API Testing Considerations

Using mocks, stubs, and fakes in API testing

API automation

Performance testing

Security testing

Testing microservices and the Internet of Things


Next steps

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API Testing Foundations
Linkedin Learning 
Faculty details

Dave Westerveld
He is good at solving automation and API testing problems. He fuse together exploratory and technical skills to provide high value test feedback.

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API Testing Foundations
Linkedin Learning 

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