Centre for Online Education - Certificate in Indian English Literature
- Offered bySwayam
Certificate in Indian English Literature at Swayam Overview
Certificate in Indian English Literature
at Swayam
Gain insights into the cultural and historical contexts that shape these texts and their significance in the broader literary world
Duration | 24 weeks |
Start from | Start Now |
Mode of learning | Online |
Official Website | Go to Website |
Credential | Certificate |
Certificate in Indian English Literature at Swayam Highlights
Certificate in Indian English Literature
at Swayam
- Earn a certificate after completion of the course
- Learn from industry expert
Certificate in Indian English Literature at Swayam Course details
Certificate in Indian English Literature
at Swayam
Skills you will learn
Who should do this course?
- For individuals with a passion for literature who want to explore the unique and diverse landscape of Indian English literary works
- For students pursuing degrees in English, literature, or related fields who need a thorough understanding of Indian English literature as part of their academic curriculum
What are the course deliverables?
- Introduction to Indian English Literature
- Colonial and Postcolonial Literature
- Modern Indian English Literature
- Major Authors and Texts
- Major Authors and Texts
- Literary Movements and Critical Approaches
More about this course
- This is a comprehensive program designed to introduce students to the rich and diverse body of literature produced in English by Indian writers
- The course on Indian English literature is an endeavor to retain the niche, an effort to revive the life and spirit, to dictate the lost taste, to discover reputation and fall back upon time tested resources in an effort to revive the life of the spirit, to ascertain our place in the contemporary cultural scene in a civilized world
Certificate in Indian English Literature at Swayam Curriculum
Certificate in Indian English Literature
at Swayam
Block-1 Non-Fiction Prose
Block-1 Non-Fiction Prose
Block-1 Non-Fiction Prose
Block-2 Mulk Raj Anand: Untouchable
Block-2 Mulk Raj Anand: Untouchable
Block-2 Mulk Raj Anand: Untouchable
Block-3 Raja Rao: Kanthapura
Block-3 Raja Rao: Kanthapura
Block-3 Raja Rao: Kanthapura
Block-4 Anita Desai: Clear Light of Day
Certificate in Indian English Literature at Swayam Faculty details
Certificate in Indian English Literature
at Swayam
Dr. Anamika Shukla
MA in English Literature, she specializes in Indian English Literature and is a Ph.D. in American Literature, pursued research at American Studies Research Centre, (ASRC) Hyderabad. She is a resource person to the UGC – Human Resource Development Centre at various states and central universities. She has contributed as a resource person at National Resource Center, SavitriBai Phule University, Pune for the SWAYAM platform.
Certificate in Indian English Literature at Swayam Admission Process
Certificate in Indian English Literature
at Swayam
Important Dates
Jul 15, 2024
Course Commencement Date
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Certificate in Indian English Literature
at Swayam
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