Claim Center
- Offered byGuidewire
Claim Center at Guidewire Overview
Claim Center
at Guidewire
A comprehensive overview of Claim Center
Duration | 1 hour |
Mode of learning | Online |
Credential | Certificate |
Claim Center at Guidewire Highlights
Claim Center
at Guidewire
- Earn a certificate after completion of the course
Claim Center at Guidewire Course details
Claim Center
at Guidewire
Who should do this course?
- Business analysts
- Quality analysts
- Configuration developers
More about this course
- This course provides an overview of a new Early Access feature for Claim Center in the Hakuba release, the Autopilot Workflow Service
- This new service is a workflow management service that powers the automation of business processes for Claims Center
Claim Center at Guidewire Curriculum
Claim Center
at Guidewire
Describe how the Workflow Designer tool is used to orchestrate business process logic across Claim Center and insurance third party systems
Describe how the Autopilot Workflow Service is used to automate the claims handling process
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Claim Center
at Guidewire
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