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QMUL - Cloud Computing Law: Law Enforcement, Competition, & Tax 

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Cloud Computing Law: Law Enforcement, Competition, & Tax


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Cloud Computing Law: Law Enforcement, Competition, & Tax

  • Earn a Certificate upon completion
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Cloud Computing Law: Law Enforcement, Competition, & Tax
Course details

More about this course
  • First, we’ll look at how law enforcement agents can request access to cloud data, including data stored outside their borders
  • You’ll learn to advise cloud providers on responding to access requests and on dealing with potential conflicts with European Union (‘EU’) data protection law
  • Second, we’ll cover EU competition law, including how to define the relevant market for cloud services and to assess market power
  • You’ll learn to identify when cloud providers might be found to have entered into anti-competitive agreements, or to have abused a dominant position in a market
  • We’ll cover how such income is classified and which countries have the right to tax cloud providers

Cloud Computing Law: Law Enforcement, Competition, & Tax

Law Enforcement Access to Cloud Data

Welcome to Law Enforcement Access and the Cloud

Introduction to forensic challenges for digital investigations in the cloud

Introduction to data differentiation

Extraterritorial jurisdiction

Voluntary and mandatory disclosures by cloud service providers

Voluntary and mandatory disclosures and jurisdiction

Mutual Legal Assistance

Mutual Recognition

Mutual Trust

Conflicts for Cloud Service Providers

Data Protection and Cloud Service Providers

Introducing: Jessica

Glossary of key terms for the week

Forensic challenges in the cloud

Identifying different types of data

Law enforcement powers

International Cooperation

Conflicts for Service Providers in the News

Law Enforcement and Data Protection

A message from your instructors

Forensic challenges

Data differentiation


Voluntary and mandatory disclosures

Case Studies

Competition Law and Cloud Markets

Welcome to Competition Law

What are competitive markets?

What is market power?

How are markets defined?

What are anti-competitive agreements?

What is abuse of a dominant position?

How does the law control mergers?

What is interoperability?

How can interoperability support competition?

What is portability?

Could access to data be an essential facility?

How does competition work in digital platforms?

Introducing: Ian and Claudia

Identifying market power in cloud services

Applying EU competition law to cloud computing

Interoperability in cloud services

Demand-side measures

Cloud market power

Anti-competitive conduct



Digital platforms

Case Studies

Taxing the Cloud

Welcome to Week 3

What are the basic international tax principles?

How are software and hardware taxed?

How are SaaS, IaaS and PaaS taxed?

How are mixed cloud contracts taxed?

When is a permanent establishment created at the server country?

When is a permanent establishment created at the user country?

What are the OECD, EU & UN digital tax policy initiatives?

How might cloud providers be affected by the OECD digital tax policy?

What indirect tax challenges does the digital economy pose?

Introducing: Vasiliki

Glossary of tax terms

International income & consumption tax fundamentals

OECD & UN Model Tax Conventions

Taxation of software and hardware

Taxation of SaaS, IaaS and PaaS

Mixed contracts & 2017 OECD Model Tax Convention

Mixed contracts

Permanent establishment & Article 5 of the 2017 OECD Model Tax Convention

Permanent establishments created by the cloud provider

OECD Statement on a Two-Pillar Solution

OECD & EU work on taxation of the digital economy

Indirect tax challenges and policy solutions

Congratulations from your instructors

International Tax Fundamentals

Income classification

Income classification in mixed contracts

Permanent establishments

Case Studies

Cloud Computing Law: Law Enforcement, Competition, & Tax
Admission Process

    Important Dates

    May 25, 2024
    Course Commencement Date

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    Cloud Computing Law: Law Enforcement, Competition, & Tax

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