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Arizona State University - Communicating and Negotiating in a Dynamic Global World 

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Communicating and Negotiating in a Dynamic Global World

Better understand and master strategies for interpersonal encounters, including conflict resolution, in multicultural environments. Improve your global mindset and negotiation skills with this course.


8 hours

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Communicating and Negotiating in a Dynamic Global World

  • Enroll for free
  • Pay only for getting a certificate of completion
  • Offered by Arizona State University
  • Effort Required:10-18 hours per week
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Communicating and Negotiating in a Dynamic Global World
Course details

More about this course
  • This course uses a dynamic and engaging approach to develop the skills for effective communication in international business settings. This course will include techniques and methods for handling interpersonal encounters in multicultural environments. You will learn best practices in negotiating globally, resolving disputes, and making decisions across cultural boundaries. Working in a global, cross-cultural role requires effective communication with individuals and groups from different parts of the world. The success of a leader depends on his or her ability to work effectively with people who may understand and react to situations differently. Therefore, the ability to communicate effectively is a critical requirement to dispute resolution, decision making and working across multicultural teams. Learners will leave this course with stronger communication skills, knowledge, insights and experiences necessary to be a successful international manager.
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Communicating and Negotiating in a Dynamic Global World

Models of culture, communication and cross-cultural communication interactions and how business relationships are impacted

To develop an empirical understanding of how cultures of the world compare to one another

To evaluate the impact of cultural differences on managerial communication

To be an effective communicator in a cross-cultural setting

Influences of personal and cultural 'baggage-on cognitive, affective, and cross-cultural behavioral processes and specific examples of how people communicate in different cultures

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Communicating and Negotiating in a Dynamic Global World

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