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Corporate Finance Foundations 

  • Offered byLinkedin Learning

Corporate Finance Foundations
Linkedin Learning 

Learn the basics of corporate finance and its impact on decision-making and growth


2 hours

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Corporate Finance Foundations
Linkedin Learning 

  • Earn a certificate of completion from LinkedIn Learning
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Corporate Finance Foundations
Linkedin Learning 
Course details

More about this course
  • The financial choices a company makes can impact its performance and valuation?which makes corporate finance an important topic for executives, managers, and accountants alike
  • In this course, professors Jim and Kay Stice lay the foundation for how corporate finance works and make the connections between business activity and finance
  • They discuss the role of risk in financial decision-making, the benefits of diversification, how short- and long-term financing can impact cash flow and business operations, and the various ways businesses use equity or debt to finance corporate capital

Corporate Finance Foundations
Linkedin Learning 


Finance for business decision-making

What Is Finance?

The board of directors discusses finance

Finance inside of companies

Finance outside of companies

Risk and Return

What is risk and why don't we like it?

Reducing risk through diversification

Beta: The concept

Beta: Examples

Risk-free rate

Equity risk premium

Capital asset pricing model (CAPM)

Obtaining Long-Term Financing

Introducing long-term financing

Does capital structure matter?

Factors influencing optimal capital structure

Cost of capital: All debt or all equity financing

Cost of capital: Split debt-equity financing

Weighted-average cost of capital

Understanding Securities Markets

The difference between a stock and a bond

Stock markets

Bond markets

Publicly traded shares: What impacts the share price?

Initial public offering (IPO): Microsoft

Capital Budgeting

Capital budgeting overview

The importance of the time value of money

Example: Buying light switches


Next steps

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Corporate Finance Foundations
Linkedin Learning 
Faculty details

Jim Stice
He hold bachelor's and master's degrees in accounting from BYU and a PhD in accounting from the University of Washington.
Earl Kay Stice
He is the PricewaterhouseCoopers Professor of Accounting at Brigham Young University (BYU). He hold bachelors and masters degrees from BYU and a Ph.D. from Cornell University.

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Corporate Finance Foundations
Linkedin Learning 

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