CUDA at Scale for the Enterprise
- Offered byCoursera
CUDA at Scale for the Enterprise at Coursera Overview
Duration | 29 hours |
Start from | Start Now |
Total fee | Free |
Mode of learning | Online |
Official Website | Explore Free Course |
Credential | Certificate |
CUDA at Scale for the Enterprise at Coursera Highlights
- Earn a Certificate upon completion
CUDA at Scale for the Enterprise at Coursera Course details
- This course will aid in students in learning in concepts that scale the use of GPUs and the CPUs that manage their use beyond the most common consumer-grade GPU installations
- They will learn how to manage asynchronous workflows, sending and receiving events to encapsulate data transfers and control signals
- Also, students will walk through application of GPUs to sorting of data and processing images, implementing their own software using these techniques and libraries
CUDA at Scale for the Enterprise at Coursera Curriculum
Course Overview
GPU Specialization Overview
Course Expectations
Coursera Lab and Assignment Overview
Development Tools and C/C++ Refresher Material
Multiple CPU/GPU Systems
Multiple CPU Architectures
Multiple CPU Lab
Multiple CPU Assignment
Multiple CPUs vs Multiple GPUs
CUDA Multiple GPU Programming Model
Multiple GPU Activity
Multiple GPU Assignment
CUDA Events and Streams
CUDA Streams and Events
CUDA Streams Syntax
CUDA Events Syntax
CUDA Streams and Events Use Cases
CUDA Streams and Events Assignment Walkthrough
CUDA Streams External Resources
CUDA Streams and Events External Resources
Sorting Using GPUs
Using Input Data to Develop GPU Pseudocode
Sorting Algorithm GPU Pseudocode Bubble Sort
Sorting Algorithm GPU Pseudocode Radix Sort
Sorting Algorithm GPU Pseudocode Quick Sort
Memory and GPU Pseudocode Bubble Sort
Memory and GPU Pseudocode Radix Sort
Memory and GPU Pseudocode Quick Sort
Sorting Algorithms Lab Activity Bubble Sort
Sorting Algorithms Lab Activity Radix Sort
Sorting Algorithms Lab Activity Quick Sort
Sorting Algorithms Assignment
GPU Sort Algorithm Reading List
Image Processing using Nvidia Programming Primitives
NPP Image Processing Syntax
NPP Image Processing Code Demonstration
NPP Signal Processing Syntax
NPP Signals Processing Syntax Demonstration
Course Independent Project Lab Overview
Course Independent Project Overview
Course Independent Project Rubric Overview