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University of Glasgow - Cultural impact of housing displacement gentrification 

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Cultural impact of housing displacement gentrification


17 hours

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Cultural impact of housing displacement gentrification

  • Shareable Certificate Earn a Certificate upon completion
  • 100% online Start instantly and learn at your own schedule.
  • Flexible deadlines Reset deadlines in accordance to your schedule.
  • Intermediate Level No prior learning or skills required
  • Approx. 17 hours to complete
  • English Subtitles: English
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Cultural impact of housing displacement gentrification
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More about this course
  • This course provides an introduction to gentrification and to the cultural impacts of housing displacement for people in cities and neighbourhoods across the world. Gentrification is a term which has been used to describe the process by which wealthier people move into an area leading to the displacement of poorer groups who are priced out of the area by increases in rents and housing prices. It is usually associated with physical improvements to the housing stock and to changes in local shops and services. Sometimes it is closely associated with the displacement of black people by white people. Gentrification is never neutral in its effects. Places change. They look and feel different and different people live there.
  • There are winners and losers, incomers and those displaced, all of whom are caught up in a process by which the social status of an area can often change beyond recognition. Gentrification is both a social and a spatial process. It is not surprising therefore to find that most people who have written about gentrification are either sociologists or geographers.
  • In this course we will learn how the term gentrification originated and the way in which the term has developed since its first sighting in the 1960s. We will consider different theoretical explanations for processes of change and ask questions about who wins and loses. After acquiring theoretical and conceptual skills we will apply these to a series of international case studies to understand what gentrification might look like and feel like in different places. What changes? How do you measure change? What happens to the people displaced- where do they go to? Who are the newcomers? This course will give you insights which will help you better understand neighbourhood level changes; inspire you to learn more about the interaction of social and spatial changes and to think critically about the future of neighbourhoods with which you are familiar.
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Cultural impact of housing displacement gentrification

An introduction to gentrification

Welcome to the course

Gentrification as displacement and un-making home

Welcome to our community of learners


Critical thinking about gentrification definitions


Well done!

Welcome back!

Onto the next lesson

"Not an exhaustive list"

Introduction to formative assessment 1.2

Congratulations message from Craig Gurney


An introduction to gentrification: what are we studying?

Gentrification defined

Displacement and un-homing

Gentrification: A Typology

What do you think gentrification means?

Formative Assessment Quiz 1.1

Formative Assessment Quiz 1.2

Graded Test 1

Gentrification deconstructed

Week 2: introduction and overview

Reflection on your learning to date

Introduction and overview

Tim Thomas on racial segregation and displacement.

A note about learning, tests and feedback

Congratulations message from Craig Gurney

She's gotta have it. Spike Lee and mf-gentrification

Production-side arguments

Consumption, consumer culture and aesthetics

Cultural aspects of displacement

Social stratification, power and displacement

State led gentrification

Gentrification, race and social justice

Formative Assessment Quiz 2.2

Graded Test 2

How do you research gentrification?

An introduction to our guest speakers

What is you research interest in gentrification and technology?

How do you define gentrification?

Black Space Matters!: The intersection of race and class

Why is gentrification a hot topic?

Resistance to gentrification - technology matters!

What is your research about?

How do you define gentrification?

How did you select the case study, and what motivates your research?

What is your research about?

How do you define gentrification?

What is your research about?

How do you define gentrification?

Why are you doing your research in Kensington?

Can you describe the urban displacement project, and tell us how it contributes to gentrification studies?

What are the key research priorities of the urban displacement project?

How do you define gentrification?

What is your motivation for your research?

What is your research about?

How do you define gentrification?

Why research Oakland?

What is your personal motivation to research this topic?

Key themes from the interviews

Congratulations message from Craig Gurney

Introduction to Eric Corbett

Introduction to Amelia Thorpe

Introduction to Alice Earley

Introduction to Sharda Rozena

Introduction to Tim Thomas

Introduction to Alison Alkon

Formative Assessment Quiz 3

Graded Test 3

Back home

Reflecting on what we've learned

Craig Gurney's advice

Alison Alkon's advice

Eric Corbett's advice

Alice Earley's advice

Amelia Thorpe's advice

Sharda Rozena's advice

Tim Thomas' advice

Virtual field trip

What now? Some thoughts on next steps

Farewell message from Craig Gurney

Alternatives to Gentrification

The Locke Street Riot, Hamilton, Ontario.

Anti-gentrification mapping project.

"Tenants rise up!" documentary: Fighting for Housing Justice in the Bay Area

Studying Urban Studies at the University of Glasgow


Formative Quiz 4

Graded Test 4

Cultural impact of housing displacement gentrification
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    May 25, 2024
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