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NIIT - Developing Responsive Web Pages Using HTML5 and CSS3 

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Developing Responsive Web Pages Using HTML5 and CSS3


17 hours

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Developing Responsive Web Pages Using HTML5 and CSS3

  • Earn a Certificate upon completion from NIIT StackRoute
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Developing Responsive Web Pages Using HTML5 and CSS3
Course details

Skills you will learn
More about this course
  • This course will guide you to develop websites that adapt to the device size of the visitor's viewport and provide users an optimal experience

Developing Responsive Web Pages Using HTML5 and CSS3

Layout a Web page using CSS floats

Context Setting

Normal Document Flow

Watch and Repeat : Normal Document flow

Create multiple column layouts using floats and clearfix?

Watch and Repeat : CSS floats

Watch and Repeat : Clear floats

Watch and Repeat : CSS float clearfix hack

Describe the relative and absolute positioning of CSS?

Watch and Repeat : CSS positioning

Use z-index and stack order to change the rendering order of HTML elements?

Watch and Repeat : Z-index and stack order

Practice Brief1

Practice Brief2

Practice Debrief

Challenge Brief

Challenge Debrief

Learning Consolidation

Layout a web page using CSS floats

Layout a Web page using CSS floats

Develop a responsive web page using modern CSS

Context Setting

Develop responsive web pages using mobile-first approach?

Apply CSS media queries and breakpoints?

Watch and Repeat : CSS media queries

Create responsive web design using flexible images ?

Watch and Repeat : Flexible Images

Apply CSS display properties like flexbox and grid?

Watch and Repeat : Responsive grid system

Watch and Repeat : Flex container

Watch and Repeat : Grid layout

Design a responsive web page using mostly fluid and layout shifter design pattern?

Practice Brief1

Practice Brief2

Practice Debrief

Challenge Brief

Challenge Debrief

Learning Consolidation

Develop a responsive web page using modern CSS

Develop a responsive web page using modern CSS

Develop a responsive web page using Bootstrap

Context Setting

Describe the Bootstrap framework?

Apply Bootstrap's mobile-first flexbox grid to build layouts?

Watch and Repeat : Bootstrap grid system

Use various Bootstrap components

Watch and Repeat : Bootstrap tables

Watch and Repeat : Bootstrap Navbar

Watch and Repeat : Bootstrap components like button and cards

Watch and Repeat : Bootstrap components like carousel and forms

Apply Bootstrap utilities

Watch and Repeat : Bootstrap display, spacing and flex utilities

Design a responsive web page using column drop design pattern?

Practice Brief

Practice Debrief

Challenge Brief

Challenge Debrief

Learning Consolidation

Develop a responsive web page using Bootstrap

Develop a responsive web page using Bootstrap

Developing Responsive Web Pages Using HTML5 and CSS3
Admission Process

    Important Dates

    May 25, 2024
    Course Commencement Date

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    Developing Responsive Web Pages Using HTML5 and CSS3

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