Entrepreneurship and IP strategy
- Offered byNPTEL
Entrepreneurship and IP strategy at NPTEL Overview
Duration | 8 weeks |
Mode of learning | Online |
Credential | Certificate |
Entrepreneurship and IP strategy at NPTEL Course details
- To discuss intellectual property strategy to protect inventions and innovations of new ventures.
- To develop skills of commercial appreciation by allocating knowledge about substantive aspects of management, strategy and legal literature.
- Participants will learn the fundamentals and advanced strategies of IP.
- They will be given opportunity for understanding the same in MSME sector.
- They will be finally be provided brief exposure about the valuation techniques and audits of IP.
- The course is free to enroll and learn from. But if student want a certificate, they have to register and write the proctored exam conducted by us in person at any of the designated exam centre
- The exam is optional for a fee of Rs 1000/- (Rupees one thousand only)
- The course will make participants appreciate the nature, scope and differences of IP, its different utilities and approaches
- The course will make participants to manage and strategize IP lifecycle effectively throughout the journey of start-up, in a time when it is aspired highly by the
Entrepreneurship and IP strategy at NPTEL Curriculum
Week 1:-Introduction to entrepreneurship and intellectual property: Definition, concepts
What is an entrepreneurship?
What do you understand by IP?
Whether entrepreneurship and IP related? What is role of IP strategy in entrepreneurship?
Week 2:-Innovation and entrepreneurship :
Innovation, invention and creativity
Types of innovation
Innovation, market and IP
Open innovation and IP
Case Study II - Biotechnology
Case study I – IT industry
Week 3:-IPR: Trademark and entrepreneurship :
Trademark infringement
Case study III - Textile industry
Week 4:-IPR: Patent and entrepreneurship :
Patent infringement
Patent strategies- I
Patent strategies- II
Capsule version
Week 5:-IPR: Copyright and entrepreneurship :
Copyright – Definition and subject matter
Copyright and related rights
Copyright registration and entrepreneurship
Copyright infringement
Case study IV – Film industry
Week 6:-IPR: Industrial design and entrepreneurship:
Industrial Design- Definition, concept
Industrial Designs Act - Key features
Industrial Design-Business
Industrial Design infringement
Case study V - Automobile industry
Week 7:-IP strategy & entrepreneurship :
IP strategy for start-up and MSME
IP transaction - introduction
IP valuation, bank loan, insurance
Success story and business model of a few start-ups
Case Study VI – Pharma industry and Agriculture
Week 8:-Entrepreneurship & IP - Government initiates :
Incubators, research parks
Various Government policies
Integrative approach – Entrepreneurship & IP strategy
Capsule revision
Am I ready to venture my start up? (Course applicability)