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UKC - Feature Writing 

  • Offered byFutureLearn

Feature Writing


4 weeks

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Feature Writing
Course details

More about this course
  • This four-week course will help you explore the feature landscape to help you understand the crucial difference between a news story and a feature
  • Learn how feature writers get their ideas as you discover the importance of research and valuable sources. With this understanding, you'll put what you have learned into practice and complete an exercise to get the ideas flowing for your own feature
  • Delving into the key components of a feature article, you'll learn the best techniques for interviewing people to help take your ideas and turn them into long-form pieces
  • Examine different types of features to understand their common principles before being guided through a practical exercise to help you learn key structural tips

Feature Writing

Feature writing

Welcome to feature writing

What is a feature?

Where do features appear?

Where do you get your ideas from?

Weekly wrap up

Vital ingredients for feature writing

Welcome to Week 2

From ideas to research

Pitch an idea for a feature

Planning a longer interview

Preparing for your own long-form interview

Weekly wrap up

Constructing a feature

Introduction to Week 3

How to construct a feature

Approaches to feature structure

Create an 'intro' to a feature

Weekly wrap up

Opinion columns, blogs and reviews

Introduction to Week 4

Shades of opinion or 'ranting reporters'?

What makes a good opinion column?

Writing riveting reviews

Ethical and legal dilemmas or problems when giving opinions

Write a review, opinion column or 'newsy blog'

End of Course 3

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Feature Writing

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