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Financial Intermediation 

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Financial Intermediation

To enhance the efficiency, stability, and growth of the economy by facilitating the flow of funds between surplus and deficit units while managing associated risks


12 hours

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Financial Intermediation

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  • 20 quizzes, 6 assignments
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Financial Intermediation
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More about this course
  • By taking this course, students will learn the role played by financial intermediaries in modern economies, their vital role to finance investments and the sources of risk associated with such intermediation activity
  • The course is structured to provide students with both theoretical notions, through the derivation of models developed by the literature, and empirical application, that are based on real data analyses
  • The topics covered include the role of financial development and banking activity for economic growth; the role of banks for the occurrence of financial crisis and the regulatory initiatives to avoid excessive risk-taking; the propagation of financial intermediaries for macroeconomic shocks; the microeconomics of banking, with emphasis on the role of market competition and the determinants of bank-firm relationships; the technological innovation that takes the name of "Fintech revolution" and how it is potentially disrupting traditional financial intermediation
  • Suggested prerequisites for this course are microeconomics, econometrics and mathematics for economists
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Financial Intermediation

Introduction to financial intermediation and bank risk management


Financial Intermediaries


The role of banks

Banks' funding structure


The determinants of bank profits

The sources of risk for bank

Credit risk and its determinants

Liquidity risk and its determinants


Income statement and banks' balance sheet

The measures of performance

Measures of risk from balance sheet data

A taxonomy of financial institutions

The optimal amount of bank reserves

Leverage and the role of bank capital

Measures of risk from market data

Sources of data in the real world

Summary of the week

Let's practice!

Let's practice!

Let's practice!

Introduction to financial intermediation and bank risk management

Finance and economic growth: the role of banks for economic development


A simple theoretical framework

Discuss the three channels of influence

From theory to practice

Definition of the causal question and empirical challenges

Seminal contribution in the literature

What’s next?

Non-linear role of financial development

Application: Is Europe overbanked?


Measures of financial development

Empirical results

The instrumental variable approach in a cross-country analysis

Combining macro question with more granular data

Case study: Is Europe overbanked?

Sources of macro data

Measures of economic development

Problem set with data

Summary of the week

Let's practice!

Let's practice!

Let's practice!

Finance and economic growth: the role of banks for economic development

Financial crises: banks’ funding structure and its implications for instability

Introduction to the Diamond-Dybvig Model

Assumptions of the model: Agents' preferences

Assumptions of the model: Technologies

Planner's problem: Definition

Planner's problem: Solution

Planner's problem: Derivation of further intuition

Planner's problem: Key intuition

What we learned so far

Competitive equilibrium with complete markets: Set up

Competitive equilibrium with complete markets: Solution

Competitive equilibrium with incomplete markets: Set up

Competitive equilibrium with incomplete markets: Formal problem

Competitive equilibrium with incomplete markets: Equilibrium prices

Competitive banking equilibrium: Introduction

Competitive banking equilibrium: Solution

What we learned so far

Bank runs: Introduction

Bank runs: Set up

Bank runs: Intuition and possible solutions

Suspension of convertibility: Set up

What we learned so far

What happened?

Originate-to-distribute "vs" Originate-to-hold

How do we know?

Planner's problem: Derivation of the solution

A quick detour: A result that we need

Second best

Competitive equilibrium with incomplete markets: Solution

Competitive banking equilibrium: Formal problem


Bank runs: The role of risk aversion and liquidation costs

Suspension of convertibility: Solution

Equivalence between suspension of convertibility and deposit insurance

Narrow banking

What about subprime mortgages?

The role of securitization

The role of Treasury bonds

Summary of the week

Let's practice!

Let's practice!

Let's practice

Let's practice

Financial crises: banks’ funding structure and its implications for instability

Financial crises: banks’ reaction to shocks and its macroeconomic implication


The credit view

Investments in the CC-LM framework

Aggregate savings in the CC-LM

Banking sector in the CC-LM

Empirical evidence on the credit channel of monetary policy


The channels of the financial accelerator

The balance sheet channel at work


The bank lending channel

The bank lending channel at work

Equilibrium conditions in the CC-LM and comparative statics

The risk-taking channel of monetary policy

A stylized model

House prices and household leverage in the Great Financial Crisis

The sovereign debt crisis in Europe

Summary of the week

Let's practice

Let's practice

Let's practice

Financial crises: banks’ reaction to shocks and its macroeconomic implication

Bank competition and financial stability


The Monti-Klein model: Assumptions

The Monti-Klein model: Equilibrium

The Monti-Klein model with Oligopoly: Assumptions

The Monti-Klein model with Oligopoly: Equilibrium

What we learned so far

The Salop model: Assumptions

The Salop model: The competitive equilibrium /1

The Salop model: Intuition

What we learned so far

Definition of relationship banking

Discussion on relationship banking

Case study: The failure of Continental Illinois Bank

Case study: The sample of analysis

What we learned so far

The Matutes-Vives model: Assumptions

The Matutes-Vives model: Imperfect Information

The Matutes-Vives model: Policy Implications

The Allen-Gale model of competition and risk taking

The Boyd-De Nicoló model of competition and risk taking

The Monti-Klein model: Derivation of the solution

The Monti-Klein model with Oligopoly: Derivation of the solution

Deposit rate regulation

The Salop model: The efficient solution

The Salop model: The competitive equilibrium /2

The Salop model: Compatibility between ATM Networks

The ex post monopoly on information

Case study: The history of Continental Illinois Bank

Case study: The effect of the failure on borrowers /1

Case study: The effect of the failure on borrowers /2

The Matutes-Vives model: Perfect Information

The trade-off between competition and stability: General equilibrium

Summary of the week

Let's practice!

Let's practice!

Let's practice!

Financial crises: banks’ reaction to shocks and its macroeconomic implication

The future of financial intermediation: the role of fintech innovation

Introduction: What is FinTech?

Digital banking


Digital payments

Digital asset management

What we learned so far

The origins of cryptocurrencies

Cryptocurrencies' monetary function

How cryptocurrencies work: The blockchain

How cryptocurrencies work: Anonymity

How cryptocurrencies work: Mining

What we learned so far

Are cryptocurrencies good means of exchange?

Can cryptocurrencies be used as a store of value?

A possible solution: Stablecoins

Further issues of cryptocurrencies: Dimension of the blockchain

Further issues of cryptocurrencies: Energy consumption

Further issues of cryptocurrencies: Speed

Global Investments in Fintech /1

Global Investments in Fintech /2

A taxonomy of FinTech

Case study: Crowdcube

Case study: PayPal

Case study: Moneyfarm

A simple model of money

Case studies: Tether and Terra

Possible solutions: Proof of stake and proof of authority

Summary of the week

Let's practice!

Let's practice!

Let's practice

Let'a practice!

The future of financial intermediation: the role of fintech innovation

Financial Intermediation
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    Important Dates

    May 25, 2024
    Course Commencement Date

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