John Hopkins University - HTML, CSS, and Javascript for Web Developers
- Offered byCoursera
HTML, CSS, and Javascript for Web Developers at Coursera Overview
Duration | 40 hours |
Total fee | Free |
Mode of learning | Online |
Difficulty level | Intermediate |
Official Website | Explore Free Course |
Credential | Certificate |
HTML, CSS, and Javascript for Web Developers at Coursera Highlights
- Earn a certificate upon completion
- Learn from industry experts
HTML, CSS, and Javascript for Web Developers at Coursera Course details
- Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced web developers
- Coursera?s HTML, CSS, and Javascript for Web Developers course offered by Johns Hopkins University is a great web development course to introduce you to basic tools that every web developer needs to know
- This web development course starts from scratch, takes you through the foundational tools of the trade such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and helps you to build interactive web pages. The course will help you understand how to apply your newly learned web development skills within the context of a web page. This 40-hour course is taught by Yaakov Chaikin, an Adjunct Professor, Graduate Computer Science at Johns Hopkins University
HTML, CSS, and Javascript for Web Developers at Coursera Curriculum
Introduction to HTML5
Course Introduction
Introduction to HTML5
Development Environment Setup, Part 1
Development Environment Setup, Part 2: MacOS
Development Environment Setup, Part 2: Windows
Development Environment Setup, Part 3: Github and Browser Sync
Resources for Asking Questions
What is HTML?
Relevant History of HTML
Anatomy of an HTML Tag
Basic HTML Document Structure
HTML Content Models
Lecture 6: Heading Elements (and some new HTML5 semantic comments)
HTML Character Entity References
Creating Links
Displaying Images
Introduction to CSS3
Introduction to CSS3
Power of CSS
Anatomy of a CSS Rule
Element, Class, and ID Selectors
Combining Selectors
Pseudo-Class Selectors
Style Placement
Part 1: Conflict Resolution
Part 2: Conflict Resolution
Part 1: Styling Text
Part 2: Styling Text
Part 1: The Box Model
Part 2: The Box Model
Part 3: The Box Model
The background Property
Positioning Elements by Floating
Part 1: Relative and Absolute Element Positioning
Part 2: Relative and Absolute Element Positioning
Part 1: Media Queries
Part 2: Media Queries
Part 1: Responsive Design
Part 2: Responsive Design
Part 1: Introduction to Twitter Bootstrap
Part 2: Introduction to Twitter Bootstrap
Part 1: The Bootstrap Grid System
Part 2: The Bootstrap Grid System
Coding the Static Restaurant Site
Coding the Static Restaurant Site
Part 1: Visit with the Client
Part 2: Visit with the Client (Field Trip)
Design Overview
Some Ground Rules and Overview of Setup
Part 1: Coding Basics of Navbar Header
Part 2: Coding Basics of Navbar Header
Coding Button for Future Collapsible Menu
Part 1: Coding Nav Menu Buttons
Part 2: Coding Nav Menu Buttons
Part 1: Fixing Navbar Layout, Text, and Dropdown Menus
Part 2: Fixing Navbar Layout, Text, and Dropdown Menus
Coding the Jumbotron
Part 1: Coding Navigation Tiles
Part 2: Coding Navigation Tiles
Part 1: Coding the Footer
Part 2: Coding the Footer
Part 1: Coding the Menu Categories
Part 2: Coding the Menu Categories
Part 1: Coding the Single Menu Category Page
Part 2: Coding the Single Menu Category Page
Part 3: Coding the Single Menu Category Page
Testing the Mobile Version on a Real Phone
Introduction to Javascript
Introduction to Javascript
Part 1: Adjusting Development Environment for Javascript Development
Part 2: Where to Place Javascript Code
Part 1: Defining Variables, Function, and Scope
Part 2: Defining Variables, Function, and Scope
Part 1: Javascript Types
Part 2: Javascript Types
Part 1: Common Language Constructs
Part 2: Common Language Constructs
Part 3: Common Language Constructs
Handling Default Values
Part 1: Creating Objects Using 'new Object()' Syntax
Part 2: Creating Objects Using Object Literal Syntax
Functions Explained
Part 1: Passing Variables by Value vs. by Reference
Part 2: Passing Variables by Value vs. by Reference
Function Constructors, prototype, and the 'this' Keyword
Object Literals and the 'this' Keyword
Part 1: Arrays
Part 2: Arrays
Part 1: Fake Namespaces
Part 2: Immediately Invoked Function Expressions (IIFEs)
Using Javascript to Build Web Applications
Part 1: DOM Manipulation
Part 2: DOM Manipulation
Handling Events
The 'event' Argument
HTTP Basics
Part 1: Ajax Basics
Part 2: Ajax Basics
Part 3: Ajax Basics
Processing JSON
Fixing Mobile Nav Menu Automatic Collapse
Dynamically Loading Home View Content
Part 1: Dynamically Loading Menu Categories View
Part 2: Dynamically Loading Menu Categories View
Dynamically Loading Single Category View
Changing 'active' Button Style Through Javascript
Course Wrap-Up