IIM Raipur - IIM Raipur Executive Certificate Program in Digital Marketing & Social Media Marketing Strategy
4.0 /5
- Offered byNulearn
IIM Raipur Executive Certificate Program in Digital Marketing & Social Media Marketing Strategy at Nulearn Overview
IIM Raipur Executive Certificate Program in Digital Marketing & Social Media Marketing Strategy
at Nulearn
Gain a comprehensive overview of marketing strategy
Duration | 5 months |
Total fee | ₹75,000 |
Mode of learning | Online |
Credential | Certificate |
IIM Raipur Executive Certificate Program in Digital Marketing & Social Media Marketing Strategy at Nulearn Highlights
IIM Raipur Executive Certificate Program in Digital Marketing & Social Media Marketing Strategy
at Nulearn
- Earn a certificate of completion
IIM Raipur Executive Certificate Program in Digital Marketing & Social Media Marketing Strategy at Nulearn Course details
IIM Raipur Executive Certificate Program in Digital Marketing & Social Media Marketing Strategy
at Nulearn
Skills you will learn
Who should do this course?
- Marketing & Sales Professionals
- Frontline Professionals
- Business Heads
More about this course
- This certification is designed to help professionals gain a comprehensive understanding of digital marketing and social media. Topics such as digital marketing practices, social media marketing, website development, SEO, mobile and email marketing and many more topics are covered in depth
IIM Raipur Executive Certificate Program in Digital Marketing & Social Media Marketing Strategy at Nulearn Curriculum
IIM Raipur Executive Certificate Program in Digital Marketing & Social Media Marketing Strategy
at Nulearn
Introduction to Digital Business and Marketing Strategy
Digital Landscape and Consumers
Understanding websites
Fundamentals of SEO and SEM
Analytics and Website performance
Competing in the Digital World
IIM Raipur Executive Certificate Program in Digital Marketing & Social Media Marketing Strategy at Nulearn Entry Requirements
IIM Raipur Executive Certificate Program in Digital Marketing & Social Media Marketing Strategy
at Nulearn
Other courses offered by Nulearn
IIM Raipur Executive Certificate Program in Digital Marketing & Social Media Marketing Strategy
at Nulearn
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