John Hopkins University - Importing Data in the Tidyverse
- Offered byCoursera
Importing Data in the Tidyverse at Coursera Overview
Duration | 15 hours |
Start from | Start Now |
Total fee | Free |
Mode of learning | Online |
Difficulty level | Beginner |
Official Website | Explore Free Course |
Credential | Certificate |
Importing Data in the Tidyverse at Coursera Highlights
- Earn a certificate from the university of Johns Hopkins upon completion of course.
- Flexible deadlines according to your schedule.
Importing Data in the Tidyverse at Coursera Course details
- Getting data into your statistical analysis system can be one of the most challenging parts of any data science project. Data must be imported and harmonized into a coherent format before any insights can be obtained. You will learn how to get data into R from commonly used formats and harmonizing different kinds of datasets from different sources. If you work in an organization where different departments collect data using different systems and different storage formats, then this course will provide essential tools for bringing those datasets together and making sense of the wealth of information in your organization.
- This course introduces the Tidyverse tools for importing data into R so that it can be prepared for analysis, visualization, and modeling. Common data formats are introduced, including delimited files, spreadsheets and relational databases, and techniques for obtaining data from the web are demonstrated, such as web scraping and web APIs.
- In this specialization we assume familiarity with the R programming language. If you are not yet familiar with R, we suggest you first complete R Programming before returning to complete this course.
Importing Data in the Tidyverse at Coursera Curriculum
Importing (and Exporting) Data in R
About This Course
Creating a tibble
Excel files
Google Sheets
Downloading CSV files
Reading CSVs into R
Reading TSVs Files into R
Delimited Files
Reading Delimited Files into R
Exporting Data from R
Importing and Exporting Data Quiz
JSON, XML, and Databases
Relational Data
Relational Databases: SQL
Connecting to Databases: RSQLite
Working with Relational Data: dplyr & dbplyr
Mutating Joins
Filtering Joins
How to Connect to a Database Online
JSON, XML, and Databases Quiz
Web Scraping and APIs
Web Scraping
rvest Basics
Web Scraping Example
A final note: SelectorGadget
Getting Data: httr
Example 1: GitHub's API
Example 2: Obtaining a CSV
read_csv() from a URL
API keys
Getting Data from the Internet Quiz
Foreign Formats, Images and googledrive Quiz
Case Studies
Case Study #1: Health Expenditures
Healthcare Coverage Data
Healthcare Spending Data
New Case Study #2: Firearms
Census Data
Counted Data
Suicide Data
Brady Data
Crime Data
Land Area Data
Unemployment Data
Introduction and Background
Importing Data into R Project