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John Hopkins University - Introduction to Meteor.js Development 

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Introduction to Meteor.js Development


26 hours

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Introduction to Meteor.js Development

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  • Earn a certificate from the University of London upon completion of course.
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Introduction to Meteor.js Development
Course details

More about this course
  • In this course, you will learn how to create a complete, multi-user web site using the Meteor.js framework and MongoDB. You will implement user authentication, security features, reactive templates and routing using iron router. You will carry out key database operations such as inserting, removing and updating data as well as sorting and filtering. You will see how a complete application can be built, line by line.
  • At the end of the course, you will be able to:
  • 1. Install the Meteor.js system and create a web application
  • 2. Work with the Meteor.js packaging system
  • 3. Write Meteor.js templates that can reactively display data
  • 4. Use insert, remove and update operations on MongoDB
  • 5. Write MongoDB data filters to search for and sort data
  • 6 .Add user authentication functionality to a website
  • 7. Control what is displayed on the page using iron:router
  • 8. Implement basic security features
  • In this course, you will complete:
  • 1 server install assignment taking ~1 hour to complete
  • 1 programming assignment taking ~8 hours to complete
  • 4 quizzes, each taking ~20 minutes to complete
  • multiple practice quizzes, each taking ~5 minutes to complete
  • Prerequisites
  • This course is designed to build on top of the material delivered in the previous two courses in this specialisation. Therefore, we recommend that if you find this course too technically challenging that you first complete the previous courses before re-commencing this one. Specifically, we expect you to be able to code basic HTML, CSS and Javascript before you take this course.
  • Participation in or completion of this online course will not confer academic credit for University of London programmes.
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Introduction to Meteor.js Development

Introduction to Meteor.js Development course overview


Guidance for the prerequisite quiz

Course outline

Grading and assessment information

Why meteor?

Prerequisite quiz


From one to many users

Install Meteor

Editing a template

Sending data to templates with helpers

Convert to a Bootstrap grid

Responding to user actions

Introduction to Meteor Summary

URL for this module

Code for this module

URL for this lesson

URL for this lesson

URL for this lesson

From one to many users

Install Meteor

Editing a template

Sending data to templates with helpers

Convert to a Bootstrap grid

Responding to user actions

Introduction to Meteor summary quiz

Databases and collections


Meteor distributed data model

Create a collection of images

Better start up script, removing items from a collection

Add an image rating function: Updating and sorting

Implement image adding with a Bootstrap modal (part 1)

Implement image adding with a Bootstrap modal (part 2)

Databases and collections summary

URL for this module

Code for this module

URL for this lesson

Meteor distributed data model

Create a collection of images

Better start up script, removing items from a collection

Add an image rating function: Updating and sorting

Implement image adding with a Bootstrap Modal

Databases and collections summary quiz

User authentication


User authentication with Meteor.js

Tidying up the design with a navbar

Accessing user information

Customising the user registration form

Attaching users to images

Filtering images by user

Removing the image filter

Infinite scroll

User authentication summary

Code for this module

URL for this lesson

URL for this lesson

URLs for this lesson

User authentication with Meteor.js

Tidying up the design with a navbar

Accessing user information

Customising the user registration form

Attaching users to images

Filtering images by user

Removing the image filter

Infinite scroll

User authentication summary quiz

Security and routing


How to organise your code

Hack into your site!

Make your site more secure

Tidy up the project

Routing with iron: router

Better routing

Security and routing summary

Code for this module

URL for this lesson

URL for this lesson

How to organise your code

Hack into your site!

Make your site more secure

Tidy up the project

Routing with iron:router

Better routing

Security and routing summary quiz

Introduction to Meteor.js Development
Admission Process

    Important Dates

    May 25, 2024
    Course Commencement Date

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    Introduction to Meteor.js Development

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