Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming with Java
- Offered byCoursera
Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming with Java at Coursera Overview
Duration | 17 hours |
Start from | Start Now |
Total fee | Free |
Mode of learning | Online |
Difficulty level | Beginner |
Official Website | Explore Free Course |
Credential | Certificate |
Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming with Java at Coursera Highlights
- Shareable Certificate Earn a Certificate upon completion
- 100% online Start instantly and learn at your own schedule.
- Course 2 of 4 in the Core Java Specialization
- Flexible deadlines Reset deadlines in accordance to your schedule.
- Beginner Level Some programming experience in any language or Course 1 in this Specialization
- Approx. 17 hours to complete
- English Subtitles: English
Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming with Java at Coursera Course details
- Introduction to OO Programming with Java is course 2 of the Core Java Specialization. After completing this course, you'll be able to create simple Java classes that exhibit the principle of Encapsulation, to import other classes for use, to work with Strings, print output and use advanced math functions.
- We'll begin with a brief refresher on necessary concepts from Object-Oriented Programming. Next, we'll introduce basic Java concepts regarding classes, enabling you to start writing simple Java classes with attributes and methods. We'll introduce the idea of instances, or objects created from classes, so that you can start to build object-oriented solutions. Finally, we'll cover namespaces and Java Libraries to explain how Java packages classes, so that everyone can develop code without name collisions. You will be able to organize and access classes, as well as use selected standard classes from the Java runtime environment.
- To be successful in this course, you should have taken Course 1: Introduction to Java or have equivalent knowledge.
Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming with Java at Coursera Curriculum
Classes and Objects
Course Overview
Managing Complexity
Code Re-use
Managing Change
Moving to OO from Procedural
OO Definitions
Defining a Class
An Example Class
Objects Example
Experience the Lab Environment
How many classes are defined in Java Standard Edition?
The Bean Specification
A Computed, Read-Only Property
Formatting Output using PrintStream
Importing Lab Starters and/or Solutions
Practice Review
Practice Review
Creating Classes
Introduction to Packages
Packages and the Classpath
Declaring a Class
Class Anatomy
Adding Attributes and Methods
Method Parameters
Method Variables
Java Access Modifiers
Creating Classes Lab Summary
Creating Classes Lab Full Walkthrough (Optional)
Static Attributes
Static Methods Demo
Creating Calculator Classes Lab Summary
Creating Calculator Classes Lab Full Walkthrough (Optional)
Practice Review
Using Java Objects
Creating an Object
Working with Objects
Creating Objects Lab Summary
Creating Objects Lab Full Walkthrough (Optional)
Constructor Methods under the Covers
Representations in different JVMs
Namespaces and Java Libraries
JAR Files and Namespaces (Packages)
Packaging Classes
Importing Packages
Using Imported Classes
The String Class
Creating String Objects
StringBuffer and StringBuilder
The Math Class
Creating Calculator Objects Lab Summary
Creating Calculator Objects Lab Full Walkthrough (Optional)
I installed my own Java, and it is later than version 8. Where did rt.jar go?
Strings, Buffers and Builders
Java Math Support
Practice Review
Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming with Java at Coursera Admission Process
Important Dates
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Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming with Java at Coursera Students Ratings & Reviews
- 3-41