DCU - Irish 202: Irish Language and Culture for Adults
- Offered byFutureLearn
Irish 202: Irish Language and Culture for Adults at FutureLearn Overview
Duration | 4 weeks |
Total fee | ₹11,044 |
Mode of learning | Online |
Credential | Certificate |
Irish 202: Irish Language and Culture for Adults at FutureLearn Highlights
- Duration 4 weeks
- Weekly study 4 hours
Irish 202: Irish Language and Culture for Adults at FutureLearn Course details
- Building upon
- , this course is an opportunity to further your Irish language learning and explore Irish culture and tradition more fully.
- You'll learn how to talk about your daily schedule, education and work. You'll listen to and read Irish text related to these themes and study the relevant aspects of Irish grammar. You'll also discover Irish mythology through various mediums, including storytelling and song.
- By the end of this course, you will have developed your speaking, listening and writing abilities in Irish and have a greater understanding of traditional Irish culture.
Irish 202: Irish Language and Culture for Adults at FutureLearn Curriculum
Cé thú?/Who are you?
Fáilte go Irish 202/Welcome to Irish 202
An Saol Laethúil/Daily Life
Cad a dhéanann tú?/What do you do?
Gaelphobal Bhaile Munna/Ballymun Irish language community
Cultúr na hÉireann/Irish culture
Céard atá foghlamtha agat?/What have you learned?
Cúrsaí Oideachais/Education
Cúrsaí Oideachais/Education
Is maith liom an cúrsa/I like the course
Cleachtaimis/Let's practise
Gaelphobal Bhaile Munna/Ballymun Irish-language community
Cultúr na hÉireann/Irish Culture
Céard atá foghlamtha agat?/What have you learned?
Do shlí bheatha/Your profession
Fáilte go seachtain a trí/Welcome to week 3
Cúrsaí Oibre/Working life
Pleananna Oibre/Employment plans
Cleachtaimis/Let's practise
Gaelphobal Bhaile Munna/Ballymun Irish-language community
Cultúr na hÉireann/Irish Culture
Céard atá foghlamtha agat?/What have you learned?
Cursaí Oibre/Work
Fáilte go Seachtain 4/Welcome to Week 4
Cúrsaí Oibre/Work
I mbun Agallaimh/Doing an Interview
Cleachtaimis!/Let's Practise!
Gaelphobal Bhaile Munna/Ballymun Irish-language community
Cultúr na hÉireann/Irish Culture
Céard atá foghlamtha agat?/What have you learned?