Malware Analysis and Introduction to Assembly Language
- Offered byCoursera
Malware Analysis and Introduction to Assembly Language at Coursera Overview
Duration | 21 hours |
Start from | Start Now |
Total fee | Free |
Mode of learning | Online |
Difficulty level | Beginner |
Official Website | Explore Free Course |
Credential | Certificate |
Malware Analysis and Introduction to Assembly Language at Coursera Highlights
- Earn a Certificate upon completion
Malware Analysis and Introduction to Assembly Language at Coursera Course details
- Malware analysis dissects malware to gather information about the malware functionality, how the system was compromised so that you can defend against future attacks
- Understanding what an executable program does is easy if you have direct access to the source code
- In this course, through video demonstrations, hands-on reverse engineering, and capture-the-flag type activities, you will be introduced to the processes and methods for conducting malware analysis of different file types
- You will analyze native executable files, and analyze popular files like PowerShell, JavaScripts, and Microsoft Office documents
- Then you will learn the fundamentals of Assembly language, basic Win32 Assembly programming concepts, and how Reverse Engineers use Assembly to analyze malware
Malware Analysis and Introduction to Assembly Language at Coursera Curriculum
Malware analysis overview and process
Malware analysis introduction
Malware analysis process
Course overview
Malware analysis process knowledge check
Module 1 assessment
Virtual Machine Setup
Lab setup
Lab setup demo
Capture the Flag exercise demo
Virtual Machine setup overview
Virtual Machine setup steps
VM Setup Exercise 1: Install VirtualBox or VMWare
VM Setup Exercise 2: Download and install Windows Guest (Windows 10)
VM Setup Exercise 3: Install Guest tools
VM Setup Exercise 4: Install Flare-VM
VM Setup Exercise 5: Install REMnux guest
VM Setup Exercise 6: Install Microsoft Office and Adobe Acrobat Reader
Capture the Flag exercises and Analytic Tools
Download exercise and sample files
Flare-VM knowledge check
Static and Dynamic analysis
Static analysis
Static analysis demo
Dynamic analysis
Dynamic analysis demo part 1
Dynamic analysis demo part 2
Module demos
Capture the flag exercise: Static Analysis
CTF exercise
Capture the flag exercise: Dynamic Analysis
CTF exercise
Static analysis knowledge check
Static analysis demo knowledge check
CTF exercise: Static Analysis
Dynamic analysis knowledge check
Dynamic analysis demo knowledge check
CTF exercise: Dynamic Analysis
Module 3 assessment
Manual code reversing
Manual code reversing
Manual code reversing demo part 1
Manual code reversing demo part 2
Manual code reversing demo part 3
Module demos
Capture the flag exercise: Manual code reversing
CTF exercise
Manual code reversing knowledge check
Manual code reversing demo knowledge check
CTF exercise: Manual code reversing
Module 4 assessment
Analyze PowerShell, JavaScript, and macro-enabled documents
Analyzing PowerShell scripts
Analyzing JavaScripts part 1
Analyzing JavaScripts part 2
Analyzing macro-enabled documents
Module demos
Capture the flag exercise: Analyze PowerShell scripts
CTF exercise
Capture the flag exercise: Analyze JavaScripts
CTF exercise
Capture the flag exercise: Analyze Macro-enabled documents
CTF exercise
Analyzing PowerShell scripts knowledge check
CTF exercise: Analyze PowerShell scripts
Analyzing JavaScripts knowledge check
CTF exercise: Analyze JavaScripts
Analyzing macro-enabled documents knowledge check
CTF exercise: Analyze Macro-enabled documents
Module 5 assessment
Analyze ELF file format
Set up REMnux
Set up Fakenet-NG in REMnux
Analyzing ELF file format
Module demo
Capture the flag exercise: Analyze ELF file format
CTF exercise
Set up REMnux knowledge check
Analyzing ELF file format knowledge check
CTF exercise: Analyze ELF file format
Module 6 assessment
Analyze ASPX Webshell and JAR files
Analyzing ASPX webshell
Analyzing JAR
Malware Analysis summary
Module demos
Capture the flag exercise: Analyze an ASPX webshell
CTF exercise
Capture the flag exercise: Analyze JAR
CTF exercise
Analyzing ASPX webshell knowledge check
CTF exercise: Analyze ASPX webshell
Analyzing JAR knowledge check
CTF exercise: Analyze JAR
Module 7 assessment
Introduction to Assembly Language
Intro to Assembly
What is Assembly Language?
Assembly language basics
Commonly used Assembly instructions
Assembly Language step thru
Learning Win32 Assembly programming
Additional resources
Introduction to Assembly knowledge check
Assembly language basics knowledge check
Commonly used Assembly instructions
Module 8 assessment
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