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Mastering Excel Pivot Tables 

  • Offered byFutureLearn

Mastering Excel Pivot Tables

Enhance your data analysis skills and harness the potential of Excel pivot tables to measure business performance.


4 weeks

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Mastering Excel Pivot Tables

  • Earn a certificate from University of Adelaide
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Mastering Excel Pivot Tables
Course details

More about this course
  • Processing a large data set can be daunting. With the help of Excel pivot tables, you can convert masses of complex data into digestible chunks of information presented in visually powerful ways.
  • On this four-week course from the University of Adelaide, you'll gain the technical skills you need to use Excel pivot tables. From tidying data to creating visualisations and telling a story, you'll expand your expertise in data analysis.
  • From Week 1 of the course, you'll get stuck into practising with pivot tables.
  • You'll start by learning how to create a neat, tidy, and visually appealing pivot table. This will help to enhance your data visualisation skills.
  • The focus of this course is on using data analytics to measure and drive business performance.
  • In the third week of the course, you'll discover how pivot tables can be used to calculate key business metrics. You can use these metrics to boost your own organisation's results.
  • Once you know how to build and navigate a pivot table, you can begin learning how to interpret the results. The fourth and final week of the course will look at how data in a table can be used to tell a story.
  • By the end of course, you'll be a confident user of Excel pivot tables and a storyteller able to harness data for your business.
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Mastering Excel Pivot Tables

How do I create visually appealing pivot tables?

Getting started

Introduction to Week 1

Summarising data sets into pivot tables

Understanding areas of a pivot table

Exploring pivot table styles and style options

Layouts and interrogating a pivot table for results


Bringing it all together

Applying updates and filtering options

Introduction to Week 2

Refreshing the data

Updating the data source

Filtering options


Bringing it all together

How do I calculate custom business metrics?

Introduction to Week 3

Exploring built in calculations

Calculating custom fields

Connecting data sources


Bringing it all together

How do I present data as a story?

Introduction to Week 4

Creating pivot charts

Creating pivot filters

Exploring chart options


Bringing it all together

What's next?

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Mastering Excel Pivot Tables

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